Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe, Germany
Mana Taghdiri
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe, Germany
elghazi@kit.edu ABSTRACT
This paper describes how Yices, a SAT Modulo theories solver, can be used to analyze the address-book problem expressed in Alloy, a first-order relational logic with transitive closure. Current analysis of Alloy models – as performed by the Alloy Analyzer – is based on SAT solving and thus, is done only with respect to finitized types. Our analysis generalizes this approach by taking advantage of the background theories available in Yices, and avoiding type finitization when possible. Consequently, it is potentially capable of proving that an assertion is a tautology – a capability completely missing from the Alloy Analyzer. This paper also reports on our experimental results that compare the performance of our analysis to that of the Alloy Analyzer for various versions of the address book problem.
SAT via bit blasting, they can be analyzed with respect to only a few bits. Consequently, Alloy offers limited support for arrays and numerical constraints. This motivated our project: to analyze Alloy models using an SMT solver rather than a SAT solver. SMT solvers are particularly attractive because they can efficiently prove a rich combination of decidable background theories without sacrificing completeness or full automation. Furthermore, their capability to generate satisfying instances as well as unsatisfiable cores[23] (offered only by some SMT solvers) supports Alloy’s lightweight and easy-to-use approach. This paper describes the first step of our project. It reports on a case study where an SMT solver, namely Yices[7], is used to analyze an Alloy model, namely the address book problem[16]. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to analyze a rich relational logic using an SMT solver. We have checked
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