Assignment 1: Chapter 3
Due date: Monday February 3, 2014
Please upload a correct and readable assignment file (e.g., a text file, a PDF file, or an MS Word file). After uploading the assignment file, you MUST validate it by checking what you uploaded. If you uploaded a wrong file, you can take it back and upload a correct one before the assignment due date. At the time of grading, no credit will be given to a wrong assignment (e.g., an assignment file for a different class) or an unreadable file.
This assignment does not require the use of SQL or any database software. The results must be manually generated. Write your answers in a text file, a PDF file, or an MS Word file, and turn in the file.
Note: See §3.4 for explanations and examples of relational algebra operations. (For instance, see Table 3.8.)
1. Show the result of a restrict operation that lists the orders placed by customer C8543321.
2. Show the result of a project operation that lists the EmpNo, EmpFirstName, and EmpLastName columns of the Employee table.
3. Show the result of a project operation that lists the CustCity and CustState columns of the Customer table.
4. Show the result of a natural join that combines the Customer and OrderTbl tables.
5. Show the result of a natural join of the Employee and OrderTbl tables.
6. Show the result of a one-sided outer join between the Employee and OrderTbl tables. Preserve the rows of the OrderTbl table in the result.
7. Show the result of a full outer join between the Employee and OrderTbl tables.
8. Show the result of the restrict operation on Customer where the condition is CustCity equals “Monroe” or “Seattle” followed by a project operation to retain the CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, and CustCity columns.
9. Show the result of a summarize operation on OrderTbl. The grouping column is CustNo and the aggregate calculation is COUNT. COUNT shows the number of rows with the same value for the