Amazing Grace
Gloria J. Winters
Grand Canyon University
Jesus and His Interpreters
February 13, 2011
Amazing Grace
The purpose of this essay is to reflect on and discuss three themes from Paul’s Epistles
that are of significance in my personal life. This essay will also discuss in particular, the Pauline
theme carried throughout the epistles, and will describe their impact on the way I live.
Preparing a Servant
Taking a look at Paul’s background helps us to understand why he made such an
effective servant of God and witness to Jesus Christ. The name ‘Paul’ was personally given to
him by Jesus Christ; before …show more content…
He advanced to the head
of his class in Jewish religious studies along with an education in Greek. To top it off, Paul was
also a Roman citizen. This impressive background made for a very zealous persecutor of God’s
church. Paul was present when Saint Stephen was stoned to death. He persecuted Christians, of
both genders and of all ages. He acted as sheriff, delivering arrest warrants from the high priest
and traveled from city to city laying waste to the church of Jesus Christ. It was while he was on
his way to perform this duty that Jesus Christ introduced Himself to Saul and gave him the new
name of Paul. God chose a man with a unique background who could be “all things to all men”
so that he could “by all means save some” (1Cor. 9:22).
Jesus Christ chose Paul who had persecuted His church, who did not believe that He was
the Messiah and the Son of God, and did not believe that He had arisen from the dead, and made
him one of His most zealous servants. After his personal encounter with the risen Christ, the
remainder of Paul’s life was spent in the service of Jesus Christ. Although Paul was not