Essay #1 Relationships and Behavior
Words: 767
Dear Michael; I was left quite intrigued last Monday when we talked. After giving some thought to the problem you had with Frances; I came to realize why she acted the way she did. It can be she fills insecure every time she sees you looking at other women, especially if it happens in a day were it should be just for the two of you to interact.
Most women love a man that gives them their undivided attention, just like I believe you did when you met her for the first time. She may feel that you are losing interest in her. Many things might come to her head when she sees you “casually inspect the universe on Fifth Avenue “. Most important, she might start to lose trust and question your loyalty. You can’t even begin to imagine the millions of things that might run through her mind every time you set eyes on the beautiful girls in summer dresses. There are many reasons why women react the way they do. Some feel hurt, self-conscious, and insecure of their bodies. This emotions are usually triggered by their partners behaviors, and the way men us to express respect and affection.
After racking my brain about the subject, I decided to confirm my opinions by Google -ing the following: “How do women react when men look at other women?” I came across a couple websites that may help you understand better why Frances reacted the way she did and also see how others feel about it too. One of the websites I found was www. Future This is a website where women post how they feel about their husbands and boyfriends sizing up other women in front of them. On this website, I found that the thing that bugs a woman the most is not that their man is checking out other women, but that they do it when they are around friends and people they know. Funny to say but it states that many females also check out other women; but not for the same reasons men do. Women do it because they are