We see this when he leaves a briefcase with a million dollars in the car, and then once it is stolen does little to get it back asides from reporting it. We see this when he just accepts everything that the millionaire tells him, going along with the lie despite suspecting that its false. We also see it when he watches the president talk about entering a war with little emotion and just kind of shrugs it off, while later he brags about his various political activist achievements. He has become jades and old, and no longer seems to care about much besides being able to go back to chilling out with no
We see this when he leaves a briefcase with a million dollars in the car, and then once it is stolen does little to get it back asides from reporting it. We see this when he just accepts everything that the millionaire tells him, going along with the lie despite suspecting that its false. We also see it when he watches the president talk about entering a war with little emotion and just kind of shrugs it off, while later he brags about his various political activist achievements. He has become jades and old, and no longer seems to care about much besides being able to go back to chilling out with no