Muscle Type
Shape of cell rectangular Parallel, cylindrical banded # of nuclei multinucleated multinucleate
One or two
striated striated non-striated
Contraction and relaxation for the heart
Provides movement and support
Involuntary contraction of organ system 2. What attaches muscles to bone? _______Tendons__________________. 3. The whole muscle is composed of muscle cells (fibers) grouped in bundles called _____fascicle________. 4. Name the connective tissue coverings surrounding the following:
1. Whole muscle ________Epimysium _____
2. Fascicles ___Perimysium______________
3. Muscle cell __________Endomysium____ 5. Match the following three terms with their definitions:
1. Sarcolemma __2_ endoplasmic reticulum in muscle cell
2. Sarcoplasmic reticulum __3__ intracellular fluid around organelles
3. Cytosol _1___ plasma membrane of muscle cell 6. Match the following three terms with their definitions:
1. Terminal cisternae __3__ T tubule + 2 terminal cisternae
2. T tubules __2__ part of sarcolemma—carries action potential
3. Triad __1__ part of sarcoplasmic reticulum—stores calcium ions 7. Myofibrils consist of contractile proteins called _________actin and myosin________________.
Name the two types and what they’re composed of:
________actin______ composed of ______________
________myosin______ composed of ______________ 8. Arrangement of myofilaments. Give the letter name of each band: Dark band __A__ band Light band __I__ band
Match two definitions with each band:
__I__ contains only thin filaments
__A__ contains both thick and thin filaments
____ defined by length of thick filament
____ defined as distance between two thick filaments 9. Define these two terms:
1. Z line (disc) The middle of one I band.
2. H zone contains only thick filament;