Homework Assignment Due on Day of Exam 3 - 2013 – Prior to taking Exam III
Students must answer 20 of the questions listed below.
All answers must be handwritten and turned in with Students Name, Class, Section Number and Date at the top of the page.
1. What are the three types of muscle tissue and the main differences between them.
2. Explain the sliding filament model of muscle contraction.
3. Define the resting membrane potential and its electrochemical basis.
4. List the different types of channels and indicate what causes each one to open.
5. In relation to an Action Potential – define the terms threshold, hyperpolarization, depolarization, repolarization and all-or-none-phenomenon.
6. Draw and label the structural components of the the NMJ and explain the events that happen when a nerve impulse reaches the NMJ.
7. What is meant by excitation-contraction coupling?
8. What are the parts of the skeletal muscle triad and what are their functions?
9. Explain the cross bridge cycle, and why a filaments do not slide back to their original position when a myosin cross bridge detaches from actin.
10. Discuss the roles of calcium in skeletal muscle contraction.
11. What causes rigor mortis?
12. Define a motor unit.
13. Define muscle twitch, what are the three phases seen in a twitch diagram.
14. Muscles general exhibit graded responses – what are two ways that muscle contraction can be graded.
15. Define isotonic and isometric concentrations.
16. Explain the difference between the anaerobic and aerobic pathways of energy production.
17. Discuss reasons for muscle fatigue.
18. What is meant by EPOC.
19. What four factors influence the force of muscle contraction?
20. What three factors influence velocity and duration of muscle contraction?
21. What information do the names of the three different muscle fiber types give you