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Module: Support and Movement Activity: Anatomy Overviews Title: Muscular System Overview
1. Click the Skeletal Muscle Cross Section and identify each of the following. Consult your textbook for a description of each.
Epimysium: Outermost layer of dense, irregular tissue, surrounding the entire muscle.
Deep Fascia: Layer of fibrous connective tissue that surrounds an individual muscle.
Muscle Cell: Muscle fibers that are elongated, striated, and multinucleated.
Perimysium: Dense irregular tissue that surrounds the fascicles.
Myofibril: Little threads, contractile organelles of skeletal muscle. Consists of thick and thin filaments.
Filament: Located inside myofibrils, composed of a smaller protein structure.
Sarcolemma: Plasma membrane of a muscle cell.
Endomysium: Mostly reticulum fibers, penetrates interior of each fascicle and separates each muscle fiber individually.
Fascicle: Groups of muscle fibers.
Tendon: Dense irregular connective tissue that connects muscle to bone.
Bone (radius): A bone of the upper limb, distal to the humerus.
Periosteum: Largest serous membrane of the body that lines abdominal cavity and covers the viscera within it.
2. Using your textbook, define an aponeurosis. A sheet-like tendon joining one muscle to another bone.
3. Identify each of the following:
Biceps brachii:.
4. Describe arm movement (flexion) when filaments are contracted.
When the filament contracts, myosin walks along the actin filament moving the filament more each time.
5. Click on the Skeletal Muscle Cell. Muscle fibers contain bundles of myofibrils. Myofibrils are composed of smaller filaments.
Identify each of these structures in the diagram.
Muscle fiber Actin Filaments Myofibrils Myosin Filaments Sarcomere Titan Filaments Sarcolemma Terminal cisterns of SR