Ancient and Classical Art
This portion of the timeline due:
Use timeline software** (TRACS/Resources/Timeline Software). It requires Adobe Flash.
**If you cannot load in this software, use your TRACS Dropbox. (Title a Folder "Timeline". Make a folder inside that one labeled "Ancient and Classical Art") - label each one clearly as to the name, creator (if known), location, and why you like it. For TRACS/Dropbox you will need to add a document clearly stating this information for each piece of art.
1. Required: You are going to look for art from 25,000 BCE to 300 CE.
a. Area: Prehistoric (all areas of the world) 1. Focus: Visual Art
b. Area: Egyptian Art 1. Focus: Visual Art Additional Credit Optional Focus (2 Point) - Architecture
c. Area: Archaic Greek (Minoan/Etruscan/Cycladian) 1. Focus: Visual Art Additional Credit Optional Focus (2 Point) - Architecture
d. Area: Classic Greek 1. Focus: Visual Art 2. Focus: Theater Additional Credit Optional Focus (2 Point) - Architecture
e. Area: Hellenistic Greek 1. Focus: Visual Art 2. Focus: Theatre Additional Credit Optional Focus (2 Point) - Architecture
f. Area: Roman 1. Focus: Visual Art 2. Focus: Theatre 3. Focus: Music 4. Focus: Dance Additional Credit Optional Focus (2 Point) - Architecture
2. Optional Extra Credit (2 points per piece): Check out other Countries and Influences for the same time period - Asia, Africa, Islamic, Greek, Poland, Scandinavia for the same time period. Post two pieces in any area (theatre, art, architecture, music, and dance.
Remember that you must give information on where, what, and who, as well as why you like it.
BCE – “before common era”, same as BC
CE – “common era”, same as AD
Final Completed Timeline Due at Final: 12/10