The first civilization began in the place of Mesopotamia where it is in Iraq today. From that time, many things have been inherited through centuries such as arts, architectures, and religions. What about the cloth the ancient people wore at the time? The topic seems to be fascinating to research, and in this essay I would like to talk about the dress style of ancient Egyptians and pharaoh’s adornments as well. At first, ancient Egyptians chose the best materials for their cloth concerning the climate in their region. Since the Egyptian climate was very hot in summer and mild in winter, they favored light clothing materials which were all made from plant fibers, especially linens. Sometimes, they …show more content…
There were the titles of “chief washer of the palace” and “chief bleacher” who was in charge of keeping royal clothes white. It was obviously hard work to wash clothes by hand. At the time, soap was not known to ancient Egyptians yet. So they used lye, which is made of castor-oil and saltpeter, or detergents made of soapworts or asphodel. Pairing workers, the laundry was beaten, rinsed and wrung. Many of ancient Egyptians did not have access to facilities and had to do their laundry sometimes under difficult conditions. It could be dangerous for them to wash on the shore of the river or the bank of a canal, which had the advantage of not having to carry a lot of water in heavy earthen …show more content…
People living around the Mediterranean sometimes needed elaborate footwear, except the Hittites in their Anatolian highlands who wore shoes with turned up toes. The footwear worn by the Egyptians was simple sandals which were tied with two thongs, or sandals tuned upwards at the pointed tip. They were made of leather woven or stitched together, and often times they were tuned upwards. The cheapest sandals were affordable to most of the people, but still the poorest people. Egyptian kings also went on barefoot as they were depicted in images. But sometimes they wore beautifully decorated sandals and also decorated gloves as their gods were so. Even sandals which were made out with gold have been found, though they were not comfortable at all for those who wore them. To give an example who wore sandals, Tutankhamen could be raised. According to the record of Howard Carter, who was an English archaeologist and discovered Tutankhamen’s tomb, the king had 93 items of sandals which were made of wood with drawing enemies on soles. During the time of the Middle and New Kingdom, more people tended to use sandals in their daily life, especially soldiers or travelers. And, use of sandals was concerned as prosperity and authority. For example, Thutmose III tells about the contries he succeeded in conquering and the rest of the world by