
Ancient Egyptian Kingdoms: Old, Middle, And New Kingdoms

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Ancient Egyptian Kingdoms: Old, Middle, And New Kingdoms
What can be taken from the extremely complex and expansive society from the kingdoms of Ancient Egypt? There are many contributions that they attributed to today’s society. During the time of this advanced society, there were three periods known as the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms. Each of these kingdoms are known for their distinct aspects that make them different from each other. In today’s society, the effects that the ancient Egyptian Kingdoms have been very beneficial to modern day science, math, and culture.
From the Old Kingdom to the New Kingdom, the ancient Egyptians formed an expansive knowledge regarding science. Their scientific achievements and contributions include astronomy, medicine, and surgery. Using Astronomy, Egyptian agriculture
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Ancient Egyptian Astronomy contributed by helping develop the calendar that is known today. Finally, another important contributor about Astronomy was it helped modern society tell and learn about time. Ancient Egypt had learned a lot about medicine by the end of the New Kingdom. Their medicine consisted of plants, herbs and remedies such as honey to heal cuts and openings, different oils for cleaning, and acacia leaves were used for eyes and different skin diseases(Aboelsoud, 83). The Egyptians wrote down many prescriptions and treatments on papyrus which shows how it has affected and influenced modern medicine. These treatments and remedies are still seen being used in today's society. Lastly, ancient Egyptians had much practice regarding surgical procedures. Through a process known as embalming or mummification they cut open the human body using different …show more content…
Ancient Egyptians used math in their architecture, numerals and daily life. Just like today’s society Egyptians first used geometry and units of measurements to calculate structures and different buildings. This is seen in the creation of the pyramids and religious offices or buildings they made using geometrical mathematics. Modern society uses these same geometrical calculation discovered by the ancient Egyptians and apply it to their architecture. Another influence that the kingdoms of ancient Egypt have on our society regarding math is under the context of numerals. They used arithmetical calculations and equations to learn about fractions and create a number system (Rhind papyrus). Over time these equations regarding numerals and fractions were perfected and has molded into how today’s society views numbers. A good example of how the Egyptian numerals influenced the modern take on numbers is through the Roman numeral. The ancient Egyptians also used math to perform small tasks in their daily life. They used math and numerals to keep records of things and were able to calculate taxes using simple multiplication and division (Deif). This connection from ancient Egypt to modern day society is very important because it can be seen how math is still used on a daily basis today and where the things such as geometry and numerals came from to help develop the society

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