The collapse of the shelter in 2006 was a tragedy. But now that the site is ready to be reopened the government is taking extra precautions. That is why I am here. Expert builders and craftsmen rebuilt the shelter that collapsed with much better material, and this time they made sure that there was no excess weight on the roof. I believe that they did not take into account the weight of the earth once it was wet. I will tell them that tomorrow and make sure that they will get rid of a few more centimeters of soil just for safety.
The older excavations begun in 1967 did not use a grid to plot findings and features. They merely plotted the finds and features in relation to the well-preserved walls. Although now we are using a conventional grid, there is a lot of information lost by the ignorance of the first site manager. It is impossible to reconstruct the exact relationship of the buildings of the site overall before they were excavated, even with the photographs of the untouched site.
However there are a few upsides to managing this site. One of the main characteristics of the sites is the amount of finds. One room may hold even a few hundred items! These items can vary from pottery and stone vases to stone tools and implements and other minor objects to even the negatives of broken pieces of ancient furniture. With these negatives we are able to obtain casts of the original structure.
Although it can be exciting to find an artifact, there is still a