
Andreicut Metaphor For Kant

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Andreicut Metaphor For Kant
It was Hume contention that our synthetic judgments all required experience to determine their truth functionality. His theory left a priori judgments useless. After Hume passed away there were attempts from various other philosophers to realize his theory. Immanuel Kant held that there were certain instances we could have synthetic a priory rather than strictly posteriori. Andreicut offers a nice metaphor that for Kant, we perceive the world as if we’re wearing blue-tinted glasses, and so perceive the world to be bluish. In Andreicut metaphor for Kant perspective the blue-tinted glasses present one of the categories in our mind that allow us to interpret the sense of data or the phenomena in such constructed way that is capable of process the color in the way that it makes sense and gives the world meaning. The fact that the sky is blue for Kant is the capacity of our mind and also the experience of external world. Andreicut metaphor does work for Hume perception in terms of the experience of external world …show more content…
According to Hume theory we believe in the past facts and have a fire believe that those facts will remain the same in the future. So, we cannot even thing about something that is a paradox to us. But Hume theory retells us that humans’ brain has those gaps that now are filled with ideas from the relation of cause and effect from the past and that we cannot fill our brain with any newer experience. For example, we wake up and we look at the window everything is wet, we say it rained last night we reach that conclusion without experiencing it. Therefore, we use facts that we remember or as Hume says we use the relation of cause and

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