tuberculosis.lincoya died a few months before his foster dad “Andrew Jackson” had been elected president.He had to deal with many deaths because on december 22 1828 rachel “jacksons” wife not only did his parents and brothers die but his son and his wife and he saw most of them die. All of that must have been hard on him to focus after he lost his loved ones. After andrew's second term of being president he went home to hermitage where he soon died on june 8 1845 at the age of 78.
the cause to him dying is a poisoning of the two bullets he received in hi duals that remained in his chest for many years. he didn't have to leave any loved ones to miss him. he would just go with them.if he would have removed those bullets from his chest there is a possibility that he would have lived longer. Andrew jackson was the “worst” “best” president he did many right and good things. Then he did many wrong bad mean things andrew jackson either liked you or didnt and if he did you were lucky if he didnt you just had to deal with it. i do know his life was hard because if you put yourself in his shoes your mom dad brothers son and wife die and you still have the courage to keep going. i wouldn't have been able to do that, but i also wouldn't have been able to take other families lives. he became a successful man maybe not in all the right ways but he succeeded in life and i think that is the best thing to