Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767 in a community of Scotch-Irish immigrants near the Carolina border. At the age of 13 Jackson was captured and imprisoned along with his older brother Robert. While in captivity, a British Officer slashed his head for refusing to shine his boots. While in captivity both brothers contracted small pox before their mother, Elizabeth arranged for their release in a prisoner exchange. Sadly, Robert died on the journey home. To make matters worse for Jackson, Elizabeth later died from cholera while attending to sick American Prisoners.
At the age of 20, Jackson became prosecuting attorney in Tennessee. He later met and married Rachel. In 1796, Jackson became the first man to be elected to the U.S. House of …show more content…
Subsequently, Jackson cabinet was smeared with political scandal and had to replace a few of his cabinet members. Nevertheless, Jackson vetoed more bills than all previous Presidents combined. He even denied a bill for a second bank of the United States which was an important issue in the 1832 election.
In 1830, Jackson recommended and congress passed the Indian removal act of 1830. This act gave Jackson the power to forcibly remove all Indians East of the Mississippi River. However, the Cherokee Indian went to court and won an injunction. The Supreme Court ruled in their favor. Disregarding this order, Jackson had the Indians forcibly and at gunpoint removed from their home and land. One in four perished from diseases, and starvation. This is barbaric act is the infamous “TRAIL OF TEARS”.
All in all I still don't know how I feel about Jackson. It's difficult to fully support an arrogant, chauvinistic and gluttonous man that had such low disregard for human