First, Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act. According to a page about Andrew Jackson Administration in the Zinn Education Project Cherokee/Seminole Removal Role Play,the Indian Removal Act was a law passed by Jackson forcing Natives to leave their land and move to Oklahoma. The purpose of this law was to get farmers more…
Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830. This act called for the government to make treaties that required Native Americans to relocate west. Jackson thought that this policy was “just and liberal.” He thought the Native Americans would be able to keep their way of life. He was wrong. The Indian Removal Act brought a lot of hardship to the Native Americans. It also forever changed the relationship between whites and Native Americans. Before Jackson passed this act, he gave the Native Americans two choices. The two choices were that they could take on white culture and become citizens of the United States, or they could move to the Western territories and keep their…
Andrew Jackson is an Autocrat because even though he said he was a Democrat, he barely showed that in his actions. The only Democratic thing he did was give more power to the lower farmers, but after that, Jackson became a tyrant. He kept the bank money for himself (Doc. National Bank Controversy 1, 2, and 3) and drove indians out of there land, even though they had the right from previous documents to stay (Doc. Indian Removal 1, 2, and 3). The crueler part about the Indian Removal was that his adopted son was a Creek Indian and Jackson killed the Creek Indian kind by removing them from their homes (Doc. Indian Removal 3). He did not follow the documents in the past (Doc. Indian Removal 1) stating that certain Indians could stay in their land,…
I agree with the Jacksonian Democrats on the topic of Political Democracy. As Andrew Jackson points out in Document B, "It is easy to conceive that great evils to our country and its institutions might flow from such a concentration of power in the hands of a few men irresponsible to the people" and further more, "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.". He was criticized for his own actions by Daniel Webster in Document C, where he called him hypocritical and irresponsible. Webster claimed that Jackson was bad for the country and was not satisfying the needs of the majority. However, this is less fact, as it is pure criticism by Webster, one of Jackson's biggest critics. In spite of these claims of power abuse, Jackson used a system of rotation of office to keep the members of equal power. Regardless of Jackson's efforts to give power to the people, "the grand question of the time was 'whether the people should be encouraged to govern themselves, or whether the wise should save them from themselves.'" As stated in Document D. Political Democracy was a priority for Andrew Jackson and he successfully established a government to protect it.…
It is agreeable that the Jacksonian Democrats perceived themselves as strict guardians of the United States Constitution. It is not agreeable with how they went about preserving the political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity they stood for. While trying to create this balance, Jackson used tactics favorable only to his opinion. Jackson's main idea was to rid of aristocracy, giving the power to the poorer classes, standing against rich white men. The flaw in their scheme was that the people who came up with this idea were all rich white men.…
Jacksonian Democrats were not the "Guardians of Democracy" that they claimed to be, rather, they were much more guardians of their own sectional interests, and arguably Andrew Jackson's inflated ego. Jacksonians were skilled at emotionalizing issues and rallying the support of the South and West. Their primary goals were not Constitutional justice and individual liberty, but instead they strived to suppress New England, the Whig party, and business interests and to preserve States’ rights.…
Although President Jackson was a champion of democracy and egalitarianism, there are some instances where he takes advantage of his presidential powers and uses him for his own benefits and beliefs and not for the good of the country. President Jackson did a lot of good for the early Democratic Party though. He helped expand voting and focused on destroying monopolies like the national bank that he believed were harming the nation. He did however take manners into his own hands at times. For instance disregarding Supreme Court rulings. Enacting Military action on a state and Vetoing bills like the Maysville road that would’ve helped the union, but since he didn’t approve he vetoed it.…
In the 1820's and 1830's, the Jacksonian Democrats, with Andrew Jackson as their leader, viewed themselves as the guardians of the Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity. However, this view did not truly represent the actions taken by President Andrew Jackson and his followers, it was only a façade put up to mask their sectionalist ideas.…
Although Jackson used undemocratic actions to pursue his objectives, he was democratic in that he did it for the welfare of the people.…
In 1814 he commanded the U.S. military forces that defeated a faction of the Creek nation. In their defeat, the Creeks lost 22 million acres of land in southern Georgia and central Alabama. As president, he continued to try and acquire more Indian land for white settlers who wanted to grow cotton, much like him. In 1830 Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act which allowed the government to move the Indians out of cotton rich land, and into Indian reservations out west. This travel took a toll on many of the tribes, and the journey the Indians took came to be known as the “Trail of Tears”. In addition, there was the Supreme Court case of Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee Nation. This ruling of the Supreme Court did not stop Jackson and his followers from driving the Cherokees off of their land, which people viewed unconstitional from Jackson’s part.…
Although viewed by some as a non-democratic president, Jackson, through the suffrage movement, the expansion of individual rights, and the veto of the National Bank, veered his presidency towards the Democratic…
Personally, I feel that Andrew Jackson should not have removed the Native Americans. The American Indians were on the land first, and were strongly attached to their land in a religious sense. The Indians did not at all want to “trade lands”. Jackson acted like a bigot and a bully, forcing out the natives because he felt that they couldn't have used the land as well as the civilized whites. Without the Indian Removal Act, the U.S. would possibly be much smaller, poorer, and weaker as a nation. Economically, obviously, Jackson did the right thing. Ethically, though which really counts, it was an atrocious, horrible, nasty decision. Jackson should never have removed the Native Americans, and Americans today should be ashamed of this decision.…
Andrew Jackson was the president who signed the Indian Removal Act. This act is more commonly know as the Trail of Tears, which was ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court at the time. However, he ignored the order and sent his army to forcefully remove…
When Andrew Jackson was elected in 1828, he brought about many changes in the government. Jacksonian Democrats claimed to be the "guardians of democracy", but instead they were merely guardians of their own sectional interests. In other words, they were very selfish. Despite the fact that they were selfish, they actually were able to protect political democracy and equality of economic opportunity, but they were not guardians of the constitution or individual liberty. Their main goal was not constitutional justice and individual liberty, but instead they strived to squash New England, the Whig Party, and to preserve state's rights.…
Andrew Jackson also known as, ‘Old Hickory’ promoted many policies that impacted the young nation. Known for his authoritarian style during his presidency it was no surprise Jackson would be harsh with the Native Americans and treat the Indians with no mercy while doing so. “Like most white frontiersmen. Jackson viewed Indians as barbarians without rights…” (Shi & Tindall 2015 p. 330) this influenced his decision to request congress to approve the Indian Removal Act. By debating this request congress allowed the president to neglect all prior treaties/negotiations to protect the lands of the Native American’s forefathers where they were residing. This would fuel the fire between many Americans because they had divided opinions on this matter,…