Wall-E, directed by Andrew Stanton in 2008, is a speculative fiction film that explores the idea of a futuristic prediction of society where humanity has destroyed the environment. The protagonist, Wall-E, is a robot that lives on Earth while all humans have resettled to space because of the waste and pollution they had created. The humans organised robots, like Wall-E, to clean up all their waste and they moved into the AXIOM, a spaceship. Three of the most evident conventions explored in the speculative fiction, Wall-E, are the concept of an alternative reality, the use of advanced technology and the nature of humanity.
The creation of an alternative reality which reflects components of our own world or a modification …show more content…
In Wall-E humanity is shown with no point behind its existence, where they have lost connection with what would be referred to as humanity altogether. The scenes including people indicate that all they do is just sit around eating and drinking while a screen tells them about new things to eat and drink. The director displays the humans as very oblivious to their surroundings as shown in the AXIOM with diegetic sounds of Buy ‘N’ Large ads when Wall-E knocks into Mary's hover chair. She appears as if she had never noticed all of the BnL ads, or the AXIOM's swimming pool before. This allows the spectator to assess whether human beings are in danger of losing their own humanity, and makes the viewer suppose that it is imperative that they wake up and reverse their destructive nature before they are unable to. The nature of humanity depicted in Wall-E makes the audience to assume that people may lose their personalities and meaning in life unless they change their ways.
The concept of an alternative reality, the use of advanced technology and the nature of humanity are three of the most evident conventions explored in the speculative fiction film, Wall-E. The futuristic world of Wall-E is formed as an alternative reality showing the effects of an apocalyptic version of Earth. Technology is visible throughout the whole film and plays a major role