Andy Warhol was born and raised in a poor family in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. His mother was his influential person; he depended on his mother, Julia which is related to Erickson’s Trust vs. Mistrust. He trusted his mother with everything and she was her inspiration that is why when he grew up to be an artist, he had a lot of portraits of his mother in his art museum and gallery in New York. And had an odd personality and was very shy. He hid when his father died, did not have any friends during school and college and spent most of the times being isolated from others. He was never satisfied with his life and always wanted to do something new to make him happy, this is related to Erickson’s Ego-Integrity vs. Despair. Other stages of Erickson’s relating to Andy Warhol will be mentioned in the writing.
Brief Background and Biography of Andy Warhol In the early 1900s, people of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, were searching for work and better life and the number of foreign-born citizens doubled between 1880s-1900s. Life for these foreign immigrants was hard arriving with little money and being unable to speak English, in addition they had to live in crowd tenement houses. One of these immigrants included Andria Warhola who was seventeen and became a coal miner for two years when he arrived in Pittsburgh. He traveled back across the ocean and married sixteen years old Julia Zarcky. The New couple lived in Czechoslovakia for three years until Andria found out that he has no money left in his pocket so he headed back to U.S. Julia was living with two kids, Paul and John. Years without Andria were very difficult; therefore Julia decided to move to the United States of America. She managed to borrow some money for her travel by horse, train, and ship until she arrived to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. When both couple lived together, Julia gave birth to Andy, their third son. His birth