There are three main types of anemia. Anemia caused by blood loss, which includes accidents, surgery, or a burst blood vessel. In cases where blood loss is life threatening, a person can have a blood transfusion to
replace lost blood. In less severe cases the body will slowly bring the blood volume and hemoglobin content back to
normal by itself. In fact, a person can lose two-thirds of his or her blood over a twenty-four hour period without
dying. The decreased production of RBCs is another type of anemia. It is also known as hypoplastic anemia, and different conditions can cause this type.
Iron deficiency is the most common one. More women than men have this type of anemia, because the primary cause is blood lost during menstruation. Eating too few iron-rich foods or not absorbing enough iron can make the problem worse. Folic-acid deficiency anemia's another nutritional type of anemia. Iron and folic acid and the vitamin B12 are necessary to make blood. Aplastic anemia is when the blood forming cells of the bone marrow are destroyed.
Hemolytic anemia is when red blood cells are destroyed too quickly or too early. People who are frequently ill with infections are prone to this anemia because infection slows down the red blood cell production or the hemoglobin produced is abnormal. The spleen might
not be functioning correctly or the person may have been exposed to certain drugs or toxic chemicals to make the RBC production abnormal. The red blood cells may have defects in the membrane, so they have an early destruction by macrophages. Another possibility could be defects in the immune system.
Mild anemia may not have noticeable symptoms. Anemias from mild to severe will all have similar symptoms. Weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, brittle nails, pica or unusual food cravings, frontal headaches, and irritability are most common. Lack of oxygen to parts of the body, especially the brain, can cause someone to lose interest in what's going on around them.
To test for anemia, a doctor usually orders a complete blood count. A small sample of blood is taken and tested for the amount of hemoglobin it contains and the numbers and volume of the different types of blood cells. They also look at the blood cells themselves to see if they are small. They look for a high iron binding capacity in the blood, and low hematocrit and hemoglobin. Doctors will usually ask some questions like, "What are your symptoms, when did they
start, and how long have they lasted?" or "What do you eat in your diet?" Most cases of anemia can be identified
by tests with the history and physical examination of a patient.
Anemia is treated depending upon the cause and type of anemia. Oral iron supplements are in the form of ferrous sulfate. The best absorption of it is on an empty stomach, but there are many people who are unable to handle this and may need to take it with food. Don't take antacids or drink milk with it because it may interfere with the absorption of the iron supplements. Vitamin C can increase the absorption and is necessary in the production of hemoglobin. You can eat many foods that have the important nutrients in them like red meat, liver, and egg yolks. There are types of flour, bread, and cereals that are fortified with iron. More than one thousand micrograms a day of folate, found in a large bowl of cereal, can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency?think of a modest cereal helping as a vitamin pill, and take just one.
Anemia, if left untreated can cause serious health problems because the body does not have enough oxygen to function properly. It is a commonly encountered clinical condition and can be treated effectively. The outcome of treatment is likely to be good with no complications and in most cases, the normal blood count will return in 2 months. Iron deficiency anemia may reoccur so regular follow ups are encouraged with this type.