Specific Purpose: To inform my audience and to raise awareness about animal cruelty taking place in Kuwait.
Central Idea: Animal abuse is an unethical, sinful and immoral thing that is being disregarded in Kuwait.
- The Kuwaiti population is ignorant about animal cruelty in Kuwait.
- Criminal law in Kuwait only has one law applying to animals and it has nothing to do with cruelty towards animals. (Ahmed)
1. The Friday Market alone takes animal cruelty to an inhumane extent with no government laws enforced against it.
- I visited the Friday Market to get insight on the animals. (AlMajed) a. The animals are put into tiny cages. b. The animals are not taken care of, they are unclean and hungry. c. Baby chicks are being sold colorfully.
2. The governments solution to stop the overgrowing population of strays is by poisoning them.
- They are throwing poisonous food in parks for them to eat.
- The Kuwait Times wrote an article about a pet owners dog dying when accidentally consuming one of those poisonous foods being thrown recklessly on the ground. (Mark)
- People are smuggling in wild animals to Kuwait and the government believes there are more important things to take care of.
- Animals have a natural instinct to protect themselves when they are abused.
3. I went to visit the Kuwait Zoo (AlMajed)
- The animals are absent of veteran care.
- The animals are put in cages 24/7.
- The visitors that were at Kuwait Zoo were throwing trash at the animals.
- Organizations such as PAWS and K's Path need as much help as they can get from people. (Fernandes)
- Religion encourages compassion towards animals.- Claudia Farkas Al- Roshoud (Fernandes)