“Every single hour in America thousands of animals suffer from cruelty and neglect” “Thousands were rescued last year” “But for thousands of others help came too late”…
Overall, animal testing is erroneous because it does not contribute anything meaningfully to the world. When animals are tested often the results are irrelevant, due to the fact, animals have many differences from humans. Also, the animals endure poor conditions. Lastly, the animals’ lives are wasted by being tested on products that are not important. Testing animals is abusive and needs to…
All of my life I have had a tremendous amount of passion for all animals, and in most instances I've found that I have felt more comfortable around them than I do people, finding myself drawn to their many personable qualities, such as innocence, loyalty, lack of judgment, and overall cheerful disposition. As I have grown, my care for animals and their well being has as well, and my eyes have been opened to the horrors taking place all throughout the globe involving poor, innocent animals, who are unable to defend themselves, against the very people they are meant to find companionship with. The controversy over the practice of utilizing animals for the purposes of testing has been an issue for the past 30-40 years, and with it, comes the moral debate. However, the topic of ongoing question, whether animal testing is right or wrong, lies within your own personal morals.…
Animals contribute in many ways to our world. We seem to take for granted the benefits animals can have on us. The benefits animals have on our earth shouldn’t be taken for granted. Without animals, our earth would not receive the essential nutrients it needs to flourish. Establishing animal rights will give animals the love and respect that they’ve always deserved. Animal are not pieces of meat, they are a vital resource to the nutriment of our earth. We have been given the power to protect animals and give them rights of their own. We should not ignore the needs of animals. Animals have benefited us in ways no human can. It is our moral duty as humans to take a stand for animals and give them the rights they deserve. At this very moment animals are being abused and carelessly slaughtered. Now is the time to end the abuse of animals and give them the rights that benefits us…
Because animal cruelty has had such a negative impact policy makers have decided to act in favor of protecting our animals. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA), enacted in 1966, protects animal lives as it argues that they are equally as important as humans. The AWA grants the animal the right to positive quality of life while being used for research purposes. The notion of animal rights is “the idea that some, or all, non-human animals are entitled to the possession of their own lives and that their most basic interests—such as the need to avoid suffering—should be afforded the same consideration as similar interests of human beings” (“Animal rights”). As humans, there are certain laws and securities we are afforded to protect us from harm and experimentation.…
Animal testing is a touchy subject to many people. The idea of using animals for the gain of the human race is seen as immoral by some people, while on the other hand, some people see animal experimentation as an impactful part of the scientific field. Through animal testing there has been many discoveries that have highly influenced the medical field. In regards to animal testing, is it beneficial or is it an unnecessary act of cruelty?…
There are a lot of bad things that happen in this world and Animal Testing is one of them. Doctors,Scientists and other people test on these animals everyday. In my opinion there should be no animal testing at all. It is cruel. Right now there are millions of animals sitting in cold cages waiting for their next painful procedure. The stress, sterility and boredom causes them to develop neurotic behaviors such as, biting themselves and running around in circles. Most of these animals are killed after the testing because there is no possible way for them to live after this has happened. More than 100 million animals suffer this torture. Exact numbers have not been found, in rats, mice, birds, and cold blooded animals take up about 90 percent.…
Others believe that animal testing has “contributed to many lifesaving cures and treatments.” According to (Animal Testing) “The California Biomedical Research Association states that nearly every medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals.” Some people are highley for animal testing for this reason. One believes that animals are the reason why we are still here today, just based on the fact that we could run experiments and learn new things. One also believes that there is no other way to test on a whole-body system besides humans. Some even say that animal testing is beneficial to the animals, thus saying that humans can help the animals when they experiment and test on…
Animal testing has always been a big issue around the world. Some people think that it is okay for animals to be tested on while others don’t. What even is animal testing? Animal testing is where scientists find new medications and test them on the animals before humans. Why might scientists test them on animals first? So, that if something goes wrong, only the animal would suffer and not a human. I am a critic for animal testing. I believe that animals have a purpose to the world just as much as humans do. Even if people don’t like rodents, that doesn’t mean we need to try and potentially kill them. Animals are very important to this world just like everyone else.…
The middle classes required a channel for their humanitarian passions. Unable to aid the victims of social problems such as slum dwellers, the unemployed or children in need, the plight of animals became a surrogate cause to campaign for. This lack of an alternative outlet may have resulted in a disproportionate response to issues related to animal well-being (Turner, 1946)…
Animal testing has always been a dispute between people; some people think it’s morally wrong and some people think it helps with medical and scientific breakthroughs. Drugs that people use or cosmetics that are used could have been tested through animals before being stocked on shelves. About 800 animals are tested on before a drug is passed to clinical trials (“Is animal”). Many animals get tested on, but many like mice, rabbits, hamsters, monkeys, dogs, cats, pigs, and some other animals get tested on. Animals can be used to find new advances in medical treatment and check safety for products, but these animals that get tested on can go through pain and death. Animal testing is wrong and should be stopped because…
Some may think that animal testing is something that can help with finding cures for bad diseases. But the truth is that animal testing is useless and harmful to animals. It is bad because so many animals get hurt during the process. Also animals get murdered and suffer after the testing even if it works. According to Animal Testing 101 100 million animals die each year from animal testing.…
Animals are, like us, endangered species on an endangered planet, and we are the ones who are endangering them, it, and ourselves. They are innocent sufferers in a hell of our making.…
Those who are in favor of animal testing justify it many different ways. Thomas Hamm, a toxicologist and veterinarian, argues that, “We can’t protect the environment, or people in general, without doing some animal testing. If you’re pro-environment but opposed to animal testing, you’re on shaky ground, because the two positions just aren’t compatible with each other” (Fano, 44). In order to have a safe and successful society, he argues, we must use animals to test chemicals, drugs, treatments, and anything else that will further our knowledge of improving the world, at least for humans. Many people are of the same mind as Hamm. Animal testing reduces the risks of many products, like cosmetics and medication, among many others. Scientists can put safety standards in place for products based on their findings via animal testing. Often, animals will react badly or even die from certain chemicals or combinations, make the humans that use the products…
In today’s society it is common to overlook major issues occurring abroad for the sake of comfort. Therefore, it should come to no surprise that problems occurring in our own backyards are purposely overlooked as well. One of these unsavory occurrences is that of animal neglect.…