Once they donate their blood, then the scientists can test their new medications on that and not harm a thing. Another way we can stop this, is by testing it on dead animal’s blood. Once the animal is dead, there is no way you can harm the poor helpless thing so it can still work out. There are many ways to test new medications without hurting these animals. Animals didn’t come to this world to be locked up in a cage and to be tested on. They came to this world just like we were supposed to. To have a happy life, create a family, and to feel free. I understand that not everyone in this world gets a happy life but that doesn’t mean we need to force any animals into something it never wanted to
Once they donate their blood, then the scientists can test their new medications on that and not harm a thing. Another way we can stop this, is by testing it on dead animal’s blood. Once the animal is dead, there is no way you can harm the poor helpless thing so it can still work out. There are many ways to test new medications without hurting these animals. Animals didn’t come to this world to be locked up in a cage and to be tested on. They came to this world just like we were supposed to. To have a happy life, create a family, and to feel free. I understand that not everyone in this world gets a happy life but that doesn’t mean we need to force any animals into something it never wanted to