Do you want to see animals abused and killed sometimes for nothing? Animal testing is flawed and can produce very unreliable results. Around 26 million animals are used every year for scientific and commercial testing. These animals are used to determine the toxicity and effectiveness of medications before they test it on humans. Therefore animal testing should be banned.…
There are a lot of bad things that happen in this world and Animal Testing is one of them. Doctors,Scientists and other people test on these animals everyday. In my opinion there should be no animal testing at all. It is cruel. Right now there are millions of animals sitting in cold cages waiting for their next painful procedure. The stress, sterility and boredom causes them to develop neurotic behaviors such as, biting themselves and running around in circles. Most of these animals are killed after the testing because there is no possible way for them to live after this has happened. More than 100 million animals suffer this torture. Exact numbers have not been found, in rats, mice, birds, and cold blooded animals take up about 90 percent.…
There are several factors that influence an individual's opinion on animal testing. Sarah Knight and Louise Barnett, authors of " Justifying attitudes toward animal use: a qualitative study of people's views and beliefs" introduce a factor that applies to me, which is experiences with pets. Personally, as a animal lover, I have experienced a bond between me and my animal that I can truly say has influenced my life significantly. In my opinion, animals are so much better than humans, in so many ways. When you build a relationship with a animal, they can become your motivation in life. From my experience with my dog, Lox, he was my motivation for everything. At first, when we got him I didn’t think nothing of him and I didn’t want to be bothered with him. He was just another responsibility that I had to cater too. I soon began to fall in love with him. He brought so much happiness into my life especially when he would run to me after I came home for school. My dog was the only reason I liked being home because he was the only one who I could cry in front of. I'm not an emotional person but after a hard day at school, he was my happy place. He's gone now but when I look at any other animal, I could only imagine my dog. I couldn't imagine him going through the things that other animals go through because that bond that we have built was everlasting and still is. You would expect people to have a…
Research shows that 26 million animals have been used for testing of all different kinds. 26 million animals have been put through wringer for the sake of a human. 26 million animals have had no say, defense, or chance to save themselves. Animals are used as human experiments to see if a certain product can work or not. Animal testing is wrong on many different levels. If humans are not willing to use, test and experiment on themselves, why should one be allowed to test on an animal who has no say in what happens.…
The article Animal Testing is Bad states, “Animals are being with feelings, thoughts, and families”(Elena1). They have a right to live peacefully and are not just subjects that should be tested on. Even though animals are a bit different from human, people cant kill them for their own sake. Scientists kill millions of animals in order to test if a product is safe for humans. It is not right and it is also not even accurate.…
Animal testing is a very disagreeable process that should not be allowed. Animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. Animals have feelings and organs and bodies just like us. They feel every bit of pain they endure. Why should these innocent animals be tested its unethical, wasteful, and they have rights just like humans.…
We are torturing, killing, and degrading innocent animals every day for close to no reason. Animals and humans differ greatly from each other, therefore many animal tests are failures. Animal testing is doing more harm than good. Dr. Elias Zerhouni made the following comment on animal testing:…
Animals should be treated just like a human. Humans would not want to be tested on, therefore, humans should not perform these harsh tests on animals. The animals do not deserve to be thrown away, such as one would do with a used tissue. Before one looks at buying makeup, they should think of what brutal tests the animal had to endure for that small tube of lipstick just to be applied to their lips. Animal testing should not even be legal because if we can have them as pets then we should treat them with respect just like they do to us. Animal testing is inhumane, unsanitary, and unsafe, and if it was done to humans then it would be outlawed. Animals have a right to live too.…
Everyday Ella uses her favorite Tresemme shampoo until one day she realized it was tested on guinea pigs, monkeys and more animals. Ella got really upset knowing her pet guinea pig Squiggles could have died because of all the toxins sprayed and deadly tests done by scientists. Therefore, animal testing should be banned. Animal testing should be banned because it harms animals, all animals are different, and most tests are inaccurate.…
Over 100 million animals are killed in lab use for experiments in the United States, and also biology lessons, most of the animals are treated with drugs, chemicals, and also viruses. Scientist are always experimenting with animals and are treating the animals inhumanely. The animals are not like humans so their pain levels are a lot different from men and women pain levels. Animals including rabbits, mice, monkeys, cats, dogs and more animals get implants, diseases, and painful procedures and most of the time they die. They are lonely and sad, trotting around in their lab cages wondering when will this be over. So why are we, as a community letting this crisis go on for these innocent animals? Animal testing should be illegal because animals…
Should it be legal, is it ethical? The subject is animal testing. This is a hot subject with many scientific researches and animal advocate groups. Both sides of this topic have valid opinions on the subject. This subject could go either way. Animals have been the main focus of scientific experiments for years, mostly for solutions to scientific problems or for the basis of theories. Or is it that scientists are conducting experiments and designing products the wrong way? Animal testing is one of the main ways scientists test new medicines. Once a new drug is found or created it is tested on an animal. This animal has had the disease or was given the disease by that scientist. The new medicine could cause the animal to recover or cause serious…
Statistics show that in the United States, this year, tens of millions of animals are likely to be killed and ten billion more will be raised in factories so packed that they aren’t even able to turn around let alone move or walk (Wise 2). The legal definition of animal abuse is any act of violence or neglect that inflicts suffering or death on an animal (Animal Cruelty 1). Testing on animals does, more often than not, inflict pain/suffering on the animals. Tens of millions of animals are considered likely to be killed yet we still continue to test on the poor helpless souls for our own benefit. There are strict regulations on animal testing, but there is no way of knowing if every lab in the country in following government law or not. It is too risky to leave helpless lives in the hands of thousands of unwatched scientist and trust them not to break rules. There are too many labs to watch and make sure no scientist slips over the line of animal abuse or not animal abuse. If testing was just made illegal, then the government wouldn’t have to worry about if people are meeting the standards and if whatever mistake they happen to make was reasonable or not. It would just be considered abuse and people would continue on with other…
Dogs are a mans best friend, right? We are suppose to be loyal and kind to our friends, why are we treating animals the way we do? Well, it’s illegal to give people new medicines that have not been tested yet, but it’s not illegal to test them on animals! How many times has it ran through their heads that animals feel pain, to make innocent animals like dogs, cats, mice, birds and many more suffer for no reason other than to conduct cruel experiments on them. Animal testing is only another version of animal cruelty which is very illegal! People might think that animal testing is fine because it is only for research and an educational purpose, which is true because people do need to figure things out and learn things others may not get to.…
"We are at war, and we will do what we need to win" (joey-gruber.tripod). There is much debate over whether animal testing should be allowed or not. Some people think that it is not essential to sacrifice animals for human benefit because they are being abused and tortured severely during experiments. Those People who stand against animal testing claim that humans eliminate many lives on Earth in order to safe humans ' lives, So there is no justice because even animals have the right to live on earth, yet these people do not consider the truth that animals are being used in the food industry. Many organizations such as (PETA), which is the biggest organization against animal testing, think…
Animal testing is a highly controversial topic and it raises a moral dilemma about whether it is ethical to harm animals in order to improve human lives, with many people strongly demanding that this practice be banned. In this essay, I shall argue that animal testing is justified since the benefits resulting from it outweigh the harms and thus should not be banned. Firstly, scientific research involving animals has had an essential importance in developing new medicines. According to the California Biomedical Research Association, most of the medical breakthroughs in the 20th century resulted from animal testing.…