Others believe that animal testing has “contributed to many lifesaving cures and treatments.” According to (Animal Testing) “The California Biomedical Research Association states that nearly every medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals.” Some people are highley for animal testing for this reason. One believes that animals are the reason why we are still here today, just based on the fact that we could run experiments and learn new things. One also believes that there is no other way to test on a whole-body system besides humans. Some even say that animal testing is beneficial to the animals, thus saying that humans can help the animals when they experiment and test on …show more content…
Some may say that animals are the next best thing to a “whole-body” system, but animals have no say in what happens to them, thus making them the best thing to a whole-body system. Humans have a whole-body system as well, but no tests are done on them, because they have a say so. However, what people in the society do not know, is that animals are not the same as humans which then leads to inaccurate test data and false information. “94 percent of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials.” (Animal Testing) This quote clearly states that testing on animals is innacurate, giving humans false information and proving that it is completely pointless and inhumane. There are many different ways to perform tests without using animals. Scientists are using bacteria and petri dishes and comparing and contrasting and finding out more information than they ever have by harming the