“R04040 had never had anything like a normal or natural monkey life. He'd never seen the sky or sunlight or grass or trees. He'd never foraged for food. The only living things he'd encountered were other monkeys and humans covered head to toe in odd garb.”(Inside the monkey house). R04040 was born April 26 2004 inside the National Primate Research Center in Madison, and has lived a terrible life by being stuck in a room all his life surrounded by other test monkeys like himself. “R04040 has already been signed up for dozens of test some including to be natural resistant to infections or infectious disease work”. Testing on animals such as R04040 should be considered …show more content…
R04040 records show that “he was reported for 20 injuries in 2008 alone, apparently without a culprit(s) being identified or removed.” The testing that goes on should be classified as animal abuse, it is not right to lock animals up and test them with many different medications like they are doing to R04040. Even after R04040 was injured they still proceeded to test on him and watch him in pain.They even kept him cooped up in a timetable room with another monkey giving them no place to live, “R04040 and his cellmate, R04060, are both nearing 10 kilos (22 pounds). The federal Animal Welfare Act requires that monkeys between three and 10 kilos each have 4.3 square feet of floor space (that's 25 by 25 inches). But at 10 kilos they must get six square feet.” (isthmus). These animals should not be living in tight rooms getting hurt and abused multiple times a week, it’s just not right for them to live like that.
The test that go on to R04040 are not useful at all, "According to the FDA itself, 92% of the drugs found safe and effective in animals are not safe or not effective in people." Some are even harmful. Yet the agency insists that drugs be tested on animals first (life-of-r04040). It makes no sense to why we are still wasting millions of dollars to test things that won’t even end up working in humans, this is another reason why animal testing needs to stop and become illegal, not only will it prevent more animals