These apes were also suppose to be used for Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders. Even though chimps and humans may develop brain amyloid plaques, the protein structures of those plaques are different. Studies have shown that cross-species genetic studies have documented that gene expression in the chimpanzee cerebral cortex has “no detectable similarity” with that detected in humans. Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases derives from longitudinal studies of patients and post-mortem brain studies. In the UK researchers stated “M]odelling human mental disorders in experimental animals is fraught with difficulties. Depression models generally lack both clinical and scientific credibility and have, thus far, failed to inform treatment strategies previously acquired through serendipity.” Meaning that just because humans and chimps have some similar characterizes there is millions of DNA sequence differences plus innumerable and variable differences in gene expression between our two
These apes were also suppose to be used for Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders. Even though chimps and humans may develop brain amyloid plaques, the protein structures of those plaques are different. Studies have shown that cross-species genetic studies have documented that gene expression in the chimpanzee cerebral cortex has “no detectable similarity” with that detected in humans. Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases derives from longitudinal studies of patients and post-mortem brain studies. In the UK researchers stated “M]odelling human mental disorders in experimental animals is fraught with difficulties. Depression models generally lack both clinical and scientific credibility and have, thus far, failed to inform treatment strategies previously acquired through serendipity.” Meaning that just because humans and chimps have some similar characterizes there is millions of DNA sequence differences plus innumerable and variable differences in gene expression between our two