English 111
Synthesis Paper
April 3, 2011
Animal Abuse Facts
Animal cruelty basically refers to any act of violence, brutality or even neglect directed towards any animals. It includes abuse, use of animals in sports such as animal fights and also where animals are denied the basic necessities of food, water and shelter. This denial of basic requirements is called neglect and it also includes denial of basic care facilities such as veterinary care. This neglect may be because of ignorance on the part of the owner. Intentional animal cruelty occurs when an individual intentionally inflicts physical harm or injury on an animal. PETA[->0], ASPCA[->1] are some of the organizations involved in raising awareness against …show more content…
Many times animals in a circus are trained using physically abusive training methods and other practices of intimidation. Trainers rampantly use whips, chains and sharp objects to beat and poke the animals into submission. The animals are kept chained in unhygienic conditions for long periods of time and do not get medical aid when they are injured. Many countries such as India, Singapore, Sweden and Austria among others have come forward to ban or restrict use of animals and to create and promote animal free circuses. It will take some time to totally eradicate animal cruelty from circuses.
· Estimates indicate that as many as 15 million animals that are warm blooded are used in research laboratories. Scientists believe that around 100 species become extinct every day.
· Another pointing reminder of animal cruelty is that around 18 foxes are killed to make a fur coat and for a mink coat around 55 minks are slaughtered.
· Movies have always had instances of extreme animal cruelty and abuse of animals. The cases of animal cruelty in movies include "Apocalypse now" and "Southern comfort" which were replete with numerous animal abuse and killing …show more content…
Chimpanzees, monkeys, beagles, dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, birds, farm animals, etc., were used for animal experimentation[->4]. The invertebrate number is still high as over 100 million of them are estimated to have been used for lab testing.
In the year 2000, it had been reported that over 7,600 greyhound puppies and 11, 400 old greyhound dogs were killed. They were deemed not fast enough for the insane dog races enjoyed by humans. In 2006, over 350, 000 baby seals were killed by clubbing during the annual Canadian seal hunt. A study conducted in 2001 reported that over 42% seals were skinned while they were alive and conscious! And we call our human race the most advanced and evolved of all in the animal kingdom.
Over 2 million dogs and cats are killed for their fur to produce fake fur coats. These animals suffer from unspeakable horrors before they are finally relieved by death. There have been many video documented evidence that shows the gruesome torture of these poor creatures at the hands of man. Every year over 3, 000 gorillas, 4, 000 chimpanzees and hundreds of booboos are killed. They are killed for their meat by people in Africa. There are over 100 million ray fishes, sharks and other aquatic animals that are caught unintentionally by fishing trolleys. They are thrown back in the water badly injured. Whales, dolphins,