Who here has pets, especially cats and dogs?
Well when you think of animal cruelty what comes to mind? Well to me I think of animals being hurt, beaten and used for fighting. Well have you ever thought that maybe animals have feeling to, they may not be humans but there are the closest to it so why do we abuse them like we do.They aren’t that different from us so why do we put ourselves above them all the time.
Animals who are hurt or abused loose the ability to love because they are feared. So we put them in pounds! In concrete boxes with a horrible gate we imprission them! Think about this if humans got put in jail for being beaten or hurt then turning mean because they are scared.How is that fair? Well it the same …show more content…
These animals get neglected and aren’t able to be taken off properly due to little or no space within a home. People who seriously neglect animals are often an indiction that they may be in need of social or mental health services.
Surveys suggest that those who intentionally abuse animals are predominately men under the age of 30, while those who are involved in animal hoarding are more likely to to be women over the age of 60 years old.
Which animals are most common victims in the way of animal cruelty?
Heres the facts 70.1% of the cases reported to the RSPCA or any other animal abuse saviour site is dogs. 26.9% involve cats, and 24.1% involve other animals. Is this really what we want to see? out of 100% of animals abused each year 32% is from neglect due to not being good enough or hoarding disorders, 10% of animals are poisoned by there owners or the big labs where they test there products on the poor animals, 10% from being forced to fight others, 20% from hoarding, 17% from beating and lastly 10% from shooting.
organised cruelty
There are many types of organised cruelty that people set up and bet on certain animals to win but today I will just be talking about the main two types, Cockfighting and Dog