The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, also know as the ASPCA has been around since the late 1800’s when it was founded in 1866. It was founded by Henry Bergh and was the first humane society established in North America. They are a nonprofit organization that is committed to protecting the rights of animals as well as educating people on the prevention against animal cruelty in today’s world. The mission statement being “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States (Mission, 2016). The organization is founded upon a set of beliefs and guiding principles that they still live by. The first is the belief that “animals are entitled …show more content…
to kind and respectful treatment by humans, and this is not to be left to the compassionate impulses of humans, but is an entitlement that must be protected under the law” (Guiding Principles, 2016). The second is “the mistreatment of animals by abuse or neglect is often linked to the commission of other violent crimes, and that penalties for animal cruelty should reflect this link” (Guiding Principles). Finally, the third being that “the ASPCA is committed to effecting change through non-violent approaches. They do not believe that threats, destruction of property or violence appropriately express the nature of a movement that promotes kindness and respect” (Guiding Principles, 2016). However, all three statements have assumptions about them. The first principle that the organization follows is that animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment by humans, and that it is not to be left to the compassionate impulses of humans, but is an entitlement that must be protected under the law.
They state after, that although a lot has changed in 150 years, the ASPCA believes that society's obligations towards animals remains. The assumptions they’re making here is that society has an obligation to protect animals and that it is an entitlement. This belief has been ingrained in a lot of people that it might not seem like anyone would disagree with that notion. However, some people may have different assumptions and reject that belief. Perhaps they think that people do not have an obligation to protect animals and that they should protect themselves. Also, maybe different cultures have different opinions on the subject. Some arguments involve differing judgements. There are philosophers who question if animals should be included in who we take care of and if they are worthy of being taken care of. Indirect theories deny animals moral status or equal consideration with humans due to a lack of consciousness, reason, or autonomy. Ultimately denying moral status to animals (Wilson). The assumption that the ASPCA is making is a fair one. Many people would agree that the rights of animals should be protected. Most assumptions are often based on what we have experienced in our own environments. A lot of people in the …show more content…
United States own animals and treat them like they are a part of the family. Therefore, they would agree that the protection of animals remain an obligation. The second belief in the ASPCA’s guiding principles is that the mistreatment of animals by abuse or neglect is often linked to the commission of other violent crimes, and that penalties for animal cruelty should reflect this link (Guiding Principles, 2016).
The ASPCA believes that the successful prosecution of animal cruelty offenders should include fines, jail sentences, and counseling to prevent additional acts of cruelty ( Guiding Principles, 2016). They believe that the people who commit criminal acts toward animals should get a punishment that will match the offense. The assumption that they are making is that there is a correlation between animals and human violence. The are also assuming that if someone is abusive to animals, then they are abusive to humans as well. This is not a fair assumption. There are certain people who have criminal pasts and they find a new start in life by taking care of pit bulls or horses. Animals can help them become better humans. As well as helping them learn love and
responsibility. The last guiding principle of the ASPCA is that they do not believe that threats, destruction of property or violence appropriately express the nature of a movement that promotes kindness and respect. They claim to be committed to effecting change through non-violent approaches (Guiding Principles, 2016).The assumption they are making is on themselves. They say they are a non-violent organization, but yet they are not against killing animals. They are not a no-kill organization which makes their statement hypocritical. As a group that stands for animals, the assumption is not fair. The set of guiding principles that the ASPCA is founded on all have assumptions hidden within them. The first being the fairness of their first belief that animals must be protected under the law. The second belief is an unfair assumption that people who are criminals abuse animals and vice versa. The last belief makes another unfair assumption that the ASPCA is a group that promotes kindness and respect yet, they are not against killing animals.