A famous author named Richard Wright once said, “All literature is a protest”. In simpler terms, books have been written to raise awareness about problems in order for humans to find solutions for them. This quote is true because in most works of literature the author makes their characters go through difficult obstacles to overcome that not everyday people go through. The book Night was written to protest against anti-Semitism, which means hatred towards Jews. This book took place during the Holocaust where times were hard and unforgettable for the Jews. The main character Elie takes the reader on a grieving journey where he describes his accounts from the Holocaust where he was mistreated and was seen as an outsider. On the other hand, the book Animal Farm by George Orwell was written to alert the world about totalitarian leaders and perplexed people. Totalitarian leaders had control over society, which gave them the right to mistreat their people and abuse their power. Napoleon who was the main villain of…
John F. Kennedy once stated “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. In other words, if we can’t resolve our problems peacefully, then violent revolution is bound to happen. This is true because in life when people cannot get what they want peacefully, they turn to violence. The pieces of literature which prove the quote true are the book; Animal Farm written by George Orwell, and the song; “The International” written by Eugene Pottier. Animal Farm relates to this lens because the animals have a revolution which turns out to be entirely violent, and not at all peaceful. “The International” relates to the lens because it is about the servants coming together to fight for their freedom instead of peacefully working towards it.…
In both of the dysfunctional societies, the characters believe they are equal but in reality they are not equal with others at all. Once Jones is overthrown from the farm In Animal Farm the pigs assume the position of leaders and “So it was agreed without further agreement that the milk and the windfall apples (and also the main crop of apples when they ripened should be reserved for the pigs alone” (Orwell 52-53). Never starting of as equal, pigs have special privileges that others do not have; they start off making a majority of the decisions without the rest of the animals agreeing to it. Being the only ones who eat the apples and drink the milk the pigs also come up with the Seven Commandments and put them into place without having the other animals help decide what they should be. Intelligent or strong people have a handicap in “Harrison Bergeron” and George Bergeron happens to have both. These…
One example of selfishness from the pigs was the changing of their 7 commandments. They changed the commandments only to their own interests, not for the whole community. Some of the animals soon realised that the commandments were different from before and eventually saw the pigs as cruel. But they were powerless to object to this because they were afraid of being ripped apart by Napoleon’s dogs.…
Napoleon was not much of a talker but had a reputation for getting his own way. Snowball was quicker in his speech , but was not considered to have the same depth of character. Squealer was a good talker. Moses was a tame raven who told the animals about Sugarcandy Mountain.…
Animal Farm is most famous in the West as a stinging critique of the history and rhetoric of the Russian Revolution. Retelling the story of the emergence and development of Soviet communism in the form of an animal fable, Animal Farm allegorizes the rise to power of the dictator Joseph Stalin. In the novella, the overthrow of the human oppressor Mr. Jones by a democratic coalition of animals quickly gives way to the consolidation of power among the pigs. Much like the Soviet intelligentsia, the pigs establish themselves as the ruling class in the new society. The struggle for preeminence between Leon Trotsky and Stalin emerges in the rivalry between the pigs Snowball and Napoleon. In both the historical and fictional cases, the idealistic but politically less powerful figure (Trotsky and…
Animal farm is an allegory on the Russian revolution written by george Orwell, Orwell ties in many important themes within this text. The story is based around the Russian revolution it's shown through a group of animals on a farm, the animals revolt against their "master" and attempt to run the farm themselves the farm slowly turns to corruption and inequality. Within the story animal farm there are A Lot of significant themes a few of these are equality, hypocrisy and violence. Thought out the novel George Orwell is depicting these themes as human nature, we are hypocrites we are violent creatures and we can never truly be equal, but he is also saying as humans we should strive for equality a nonviolent society and perform less hypocritical…
Animal Farm by George Orwell was trying to show the dislike of communism. Because the old form of government end up being quiet similar to the new form. Orwell shows this by getting rid of Mr. Jones for mistreating the animals, and overtime Napoleon a pig comes to power, the same thing happened but with a different look. George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This quote is similar to Orwell’s dislikes and the way he shows it in the book. Both the people and the animals forget the past and end up as before.…
1. Corruption of Socialist IdealsExamples of the theme of corruption of socialist ideals can be seen throughout Animal Farm. Once Napoleon takes over as the leader of the farm, his reign becomes corrupted. In the book Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin andSnowball represents Leon Trotsky. The struggle between Stalin and Trotsky during the rise of Stalin is seen in the rivalry between Napoleon and Snowball. In both the book and history, the more politically power and spiteful Stalin (Napoleon) banishes the more idealistic Trotsky (Snowball) from society. This is all done in order for Napoleon to gain more power. Another example of corruption is when Napoleon decides to kill anyone who is against him or he does not trust. The animals on the farms didn’t have a choice. If Napoleon didn’t like them they were essentially dead. This act by Napoleon was very similar to what Stalin did to his counterparts during his era. One last act that shows the corruption of social ideals is when Napoleon disobeys the Seven Commandments of Animalism. Animal farm was formed on these commandments but since Napoleon has all the power he can do what he wants. Then he gets the pig, Squealer, to justify his actions to the other animals. Napoleon eventually goes on to change the Seven Commandments to just one: “all animals are created equal, but some animals more equal.” (Joseph Stalin)2. Class StratificationAnimal farm was initially formed under the commandment that “all animals are equal” but that is not case. Shortly after the animals take control of the farm, division between classes takes place. The pigs consider themselves “mindworkers” while the other animals are laborers. While the rest of the animals do the work the pigs do not have to do as much physical work. Once Napoleon takes over as leader, the division of class only gets wider. The pigs are able to manipulate the rest of the animals on the farm. Boxer, the horse on the farm, develops the saying “I will…
One who has power can lose the sense of right and wrong so that morals do not matter. Absolute power corrupts those who possess it. This can be seen throughout history, such as during World War II, and proven by the actions of Napoleon in the allegory Animal Farm by George Orwell. A good quote to show one of the many themes of this book is “It is not power that corrupts, but fear. The fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it, and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it”-Aung San Suu Kyi.…
Equality among citizens. Everyone wants to be equal, and that equality has to be possible, right? Wrong. There is no possible way for every being, human or animal, to be equal. There will always be someone or something that will take power and upset the balance of equality, even if it isn't obvious at first. Animal Farm was destined for failure from the beginning because if the pigs had not taken charge, someone else just as inadequate would have, the pigs were already considering themselves preeminent before the revolution began, and the difference in opinions and ideas about the farm caused chaos.…
Snowball represents a morally legitimate political alternative to the corrupt leadership of Napoleon. Do you agree? Discuss with close reference to the text.…
Some people say that “rules are meant to be broken”, but often times I disagree. Rules are supposed to teach you a lesson when you break them. You most certainly shouldn't use that saying to your advantage. In the book Animal Farm, many rules that were created are shown to be broken. After the animals of Manor Farm take the farm over from their master, they create seven commandments that are all broken by none other than Animal Farm’s own leaders. Yes, all of these are eventually broken, but some of them are more prominent than the rest.…
portrays the theme of abuse of power. When the pigs declare themselves leaders if animal farm, they say that they will run a proper, equal farm. Josef Stalin abused his power as leader of Russia. Yet, the pigs prove that power is too much for them. They start taking advantage of the other animals. They started corrupting small things at first then they realized that they could not be stopped so they took full advantage of the animals. “Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs? The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” This quote shows how the pigs started out by running an animal friendly farm, but eventually they began to resemble the corrupt leaders they revolted against.…
The rebellion of Animal Farm was to escape man and his cruel ways, but can they escape the reality of power and corruption? Animal Farm is a novella written by George Orwell. In this book the animal's desire more freedom than they are allowed. In order to achieve an equal and harmonious society they rebel against farmer Jones. Rather than resulting in a utopian civilization the animals are oppressed by the very pig who encouraged their rebellion.This novella is an allegory to the Soviet Union. Each individual character represents an important group of people in history. All of which contributed to how we run our society today. In this book man takes from the animals without producing anything in return. Animal…