• To identify the structure of various types of animal tissues
• To explain the organization of the tissues
• Various type of tissues can be identified their function by observing the shape and structure of the cells because different tissues have different functions.
• The usage of higher magnification of objective lens produces a better image.
Internal structure of animal is made up cells. Cells aggregate and forms tissue. Animal tissues are classified into four types on the basis of their functions – epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue and nervous tissue.
The covering and protective tissues in the animal body are epithelial tissues. It covers most organs and cavities within the body and forms a barrier to keep different body systems separate.
Example: Skin, Lining of the mouth, lining of blood vessels, lung alveoli and kidney tubules
• Characteristics of epithelial tissue:
· Tightly packed and form a continuous sheet.
· Small amount of cementing material is present between them and almost no intercellular spaces.
· It plays an important role in regulating the exchange of materials between the body and the external environment and also between different parts of the body.
· Matrix is either absent or negligible
· Number of cells are large
Depending on the structures that correlate with their unique functions, epithelial tissues are classified into simple and stratified epithelium.
• Simple Epithelium: Cells are arranged in a single layer and does not contain matrix. There are four types of simple epithelium; squamous, columnar, cuboidal and glandular.
· Squamous: Thin and flat tissue and forms a delicate lining.
They are arranged closely and jointed by cement material.
Example: Lining of blood vessels, heart and lymphatic tubes · Columnar: Cells are broad and nucleus is oval in shape and is located in the centre or towards the narrow end