Review the Lab manuals and answer the following questions. Most answers will come from careful reading of the lab manuals but if you must consult an outside source (internet, textbook) for the answers you must reference the source. All work is expected to be completed individually. Evidence of collaborative work and /or plagiarism will be considered academic dishonesty and punished as outlined previously.
Answers are to be uploaded electronically in a word document (PC compatible) or PDF to the assignment posted on the Learn Page Module prior to the start of your lab section.
Please include name and lab section number on the uploaded document
1. What sorts of epithelial specialization would you expect to see in the section from small intestines?
The small intestine is divided into three sections called the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. The duodenum is composed of mucosal tissue in a villi formation and it is specialized with prominent submucosal glands, which help neutralize stomach acid. The jejunum is also organized into villi, however they are longer compared to the duodenum villi. Jejunum villi does not contain specialized glands, instead contain intestinal crypts between the villi. The villi of the ileum are longer and leaf like compared to the duodenum and the jejunum. The ileum contains lymphatic nodes. In general the epithelium of the small intestine are all specialized with goblet cells, paneth cells, and entroendocrine cell.
2. What type of epithelial tissue do you expect to see in the sections from the large intestines?
The epithelial tissue of the small intestine lack villi and only contains crypts. The tunica mucosa has an increased amount of goblet cells. The tunica submucosa are populated with adipose tissue. The tunica muscular is substantially thinner. The rectum tunica mucosa starts out as a simple columnar epithelium and gradually changes to a stratified squamous epithelium as