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Section:___________________________________ Date: ________________
I. Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Circle the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following is not an accessory digestive organ?
a. liver
b. tongue
c. stomach
d. pancreas
2. What part of the digestive system where mechanical digestion happens?
a. mouth
b. rectum
c. stomach
d. esophagus
3. The throat is divided into two separate tubes: the trachea and the esophagus. Which of the organs prevents food from entering the trachea?
a. The uvula
b. The tongue
c. The trachea
d. The epiglottis
4. What is the main functions of the digestive system?
a. ingestion and digestion …show more content…
food, bolus, chyme, feces
c. bolus, chyme, food, feces
d. feces, chyme bolus, food
20. From the superior end downward, what are the correct three segments of the small intestine?
a. jejunum, ileum, and duodenum
b. ileum, duodenum, and jejunum
c. duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
d. duodenum, ileum, and jejunum
21. Why breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day?
a. It provides the necessary energy needed to keep a person energetic.
b. The stomach is active during day time especially in the morning.
c. The food served during breakfast is always nutritious.
d. Digestive enzymes react faster during breakfast.
22. Professional Nutritionist is very important in the hospitals and in public health centers, because they provide dietetics and nutritional information. What will happen, if we lack nutritionist in our country?
a. People will prepare their own food without appropriate dietary information.
b. They will be replaced by the medical team of the department of health.
c. Government can save more funds especially in the health sector.
d. Public health will be at stake due to uncontrollable malnutrition.
23. What is the immediate home care management for diarrhea?
a. loperamide
b. milk
c. oats
d. …show more content…
Diarrhea is a condition wherein the fecal material or stool becomes dry, compact, difficult to discharge.
______27. A. Anorexia nervosa is a eating disorder where an individual resort to self starvation to avoid gaining weight. B. Individuals with bulimia nervosa are engaged in repetitive cycles of binge eating, alternating with self induce vomiting or starvation.
______28. A. Bile is produced in the liver, but stored in the urinary bladder. B. Bile breaks down indigestible globs of fat into smaller processable globs.
______29. A. The teeth lubricate the food to help in the chemical digestion of carbohydrates. B. The tongue is a muscular organ that mixes the food and saliva.
______30. A. Chyme is the food mashed up or chewd in the mouth. B. bolus is a semiliquid food digested chemically only.
III. Directions: For numbers 31 to 35, Read the following sentences and circle the letters of the words that best fill each