The first step is awareness. A nationwide media campaign explaining the increasing severity of this problem should be mounted by various shelter organizations as well as the humane society. This campaign will need funding, and that should come from people like myself who are genuinely concerned and able to raise money to help the cause. This campaign must also educate people in recognizing the signs of animal abuse which include being chained up, bones protruding through skin, collar being too tight, no shelter, and conditions like mange. Finally, people must know who to contact once any of these signs have been identified. Local law enforcement and humane society information should have easy accessibility and readily …show more content…
The more people realize how inappropriate animal cruelty is, hopefully, the more they will want to be part of the solution. This can happen anywhere in the world where animal cruelty is concerned. The benefits of finding a solution are obviously the decrease of animal cruelty but also the decrease of other illegal activity.
However, if these types of situations are not conquered right away the animal in that situation will endure an unacceptable faith. If someone sees an animal chained up to a wall outside, with their collar too tight and does not report it, then they are letting that animal suffer. Animals, just like humans should be allowed a warm and caring environment to live in. They should not be required to worry about when their next meal is or if they will ever feel love.
Animals deserve to live in humane and loving environments. They are helpless and rely on humans for care. They cannot speak for themselves, so those of us who are passionate about this problem must speak for them. Countless of abused animals have been freed and have gone to live in better homes with owners who actually love and care for them. However, much more needs to be done to help countless others who continue to be abused and