Every day, animals such as rabbits, chimpanzees, and mice take part of medical experimentation. “Chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA with humans, and mice are 98% genetically similar to humans. The United States and Gabon are the only two countries that allow experimentation on chimpanzees.” (The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada). What people don’t understand is that these animals contribute to medical discoveries regarding human health. Animals should be used for medical experimentation because they contribute to many life-saving cures and treatments, they are similar to human beings in many ways, animals are the only organisms other than humans who we can experiment on, and the animals themselves benefit …show more content…
You might think that animals that are tested on are simply being hurt. What you do not know is that these animals have helped to find cures for their own species. Dogs have been tested on to find a cure for rabies. Although a clear cure was not found, scientists found a vaccine to help control it. Also, preventive treatments for cattle diseases have been available for them because of animal research. Without these animals being tested on and finding cures for animal diseases, many people would be affected by this. If cattle start perishing, for example, farmers would lose money because they get money of their cattle. And if dogs did not help find a cure for rabies, they themselves would be dying off slowly and painfully. Animal research has also been integral to the preservation of many endangered species. The ability to eliminate parasitism, treat illnesses, use anesthetic devices, and promote breeding has improved the health and survival of many species. (Medicine, Council and …show more content…
The majority of animals that go through the trials used in research are killed during or after these trials. Many animals suffer during the studies; the lives of animals are routinely sacrificed with sometimes have no gain in research. “Animals do not have the cognitive ability or moral judgment that humans do and because of this they have been treated differently than humans by nearly every culture throughout recorded history. If we granted animals rights, all humans would have to become vegetarians, and hunting would need to be outlawed.” (Machan). Machan clearly has a great expert opinion on the view about animals having no rights. It is true that animals sometimes die during experimentation, but researchers and scientists have to learn by trial and error. Not every single experiment conducted can have a positive or health breaking effect. You have to test every time with every possible angle because you learn more from your errors. I support animal experimentation for the fact that scientists who are trying to find cures and treatments have to experiment on something rather than on humans. Animal experimentation serves to our benefit and without it our advancements in medicine and in treatments would not have been possible. Let’s inform ourselves that the result of these experiments can turn out to our benefit. Not only does it help us as humanity but it also helps us find