Animal Testing is conducted in over thousands
Animal Testing is conducted in over thousands
Imagine an animal’s feeling of panic and fear as it is about to be killed by a hunter or the isolation experienced as an animal sits in a laboratory, separated from its family and natural habitat, waiting to be harmed by harsh testing methods. Imagine the frightened state of a mother or father watching their innocent baby being captured. After considering the brutality towards animals in these scenarios, take into consideration the health benefits humans receive from different parts of these animals. Imagine health risks avoided through testing on animals first instead of on humans. Does human benefit justify the harm and killing of animals? Linda Hasselstrom’s essay “The Cow Versus The Animal Rights Activist” and Tom Regan’s “Animal Rights, Human Wrongs” argue this question through analysis of the reason for killing animals, the method in which they are killed, and the morality of the killing of animals.…
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 is a continuation of Guardians of the Galaxy. After a group of criminals combines forces to fight a villain with his mind set on destroying the galaxy in the first movie they have to do it all over again in the sequel. The sequel is very similar at the core but there are a few differences. Now, in Volume 2, Petter Quill learns the identity of his father the Demigod and planet Ego. Once Ego’s diabolical scheme to take over the galaxy is revealed the unlikely group of friends must learn to work together again to save the galaxy while trying to resolve internal conflicts. Although there are several interesting characters to choose from. This paper will focus on Groot. In the first movie, Groot was a full grown…
Do you ever wonder how beauty products and medical treatment are get the seal of approval for human use? Today many beauty and health manufactures validate their product through animal testing. These poor and defenseless creatures are being held in steel cold cages waiting to be performed on to advance human life. Animal testing should be terminated because the animals live in fear and pain, violates their rights and other methods are available to accurate data for products and…
Because animal cruelty has had such a negative impact policy makers have decided to act in favor of protecting our animals. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA), enacted in 1966, protects animal lives as it argues that they are equally as important as humans. The AWA grants the animal the right to positive quality of life while being used for research purposes. The notion of animal rights is “the idea that some, or all, non-human animals are entitled to the possession of their own lives and that their most basic interests—such as the need to avoid suffering—should be afforded the same consideration as similar interests of human beings” (“Animal rights”). As humans, there are certain laws and securities we are afforded to protect us from harm and experimentation.…
To test cosmetics, household cleaners and other consumer products hundreds of thousands of animals are poisoned, blinded and killed every year by cruel corporations. In my opinion we should not even be doing this at all, it is very wrong.Thousands of animals are killed everyday due to this torture. Animals have feelings too. Toothpaste is even tested on animals. It’s ridiculous. According to the human society, registration of a single pesticide requires more than 50 experiments and the use of 12,000 animals. The animals are tested for 2 years.…
65% of that number are dogs, so just imagine your own dog, who is like your best friend being forced to fight another dog, having it’s ears torn off, it’s legs legs ripped off while it screams and yelps for your help, but there’s nothing you can do about it. Just sit and watch. Animal testing causes at least 22 animals to die every second in labs due to animal testing. Why is it that these animals are being tested on, being killed and we aren’t doing as much as we really could to stop it. Right now, as I’m standing here speaking to you today millions of mice, rats, rabbits, cats, dogs and MANY other animals are locked outside in the cold, in the heat or in cages in laboratories across the world. They are in pain, loneliness, and just want to roam free and use their minds freely. But instead all they can do is sit and wait in fear for the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them.…
Each year, millions of animals suffer and die in the process of inhumane testing for the purposes of drug and chemical research, and medical experiments and training exercises. Animals including cats, dogs, rabbits, and mice are force fed harmful substances that are infected with lethal viruses causing reactions like brain damage, strokes, and heart attacks. Not only are these experiments painful to the animals and sometimes fatal, but also they fail to accurately reflect human reactions and are not required by the FDA.…
Have you ever witnessed an animal being abused? Well I have and it is heartbreaking and immoral. Just imagine how animals are being treated in factories today, they are being shoved into barren containers or kennels while suffering from pain and stress waiting to be blown up, maimed, or shot (Animal Experiments 1). As death may only be a miracle for those animals because many are tortured in ongoing experiments that may last over a period of months, or years. Pretend that it was your beloved pet, how do you feel now? Not only are they being abused and killed for experiments, products that contain animal testing harm us and may lead to depriving our existence. Study shows that in 2004 painkillers made from animal tests killed 60,000 people and 140,000 had strokes and heart attacks (Against Animal Cruelty 1). Killing innocent animals otherwise animal testing should be illegal because animals have the right to freedom from unjustified violence just like humans, they are self-aware and self-sufficient, and animals and humans are…
Animal testing has become all too common; from household products to cosmetics 50 to 100 million animals are killed each year in these experiments. These animals have been burnt, blinded, crushed, sliced, electrocuted, tortured, and even drugged for scientific research. What makes humans have the right to exploit innocent animals and often expose them to harm? It is morally wrong to put these animals through such pain. Instead of testing on animals scientists should find alternative ways to do their research. Animal testing is absurd and should stop.…
Animal testing has become a barbaric form of testing in today’s world. It has been a debated topic for decades. Both sides have presented both strong and weak arguments alike. Those who would argue against animal testing have taken a stand due to the way it affects animals. Even in the best circumstances, the animals could easily be considered abused. Those in favor of animal testing, a quickly waning population, don’t seem to deny the abuse that exists. Rather, they argue that the pain is justified. To be clear, this article isn’t an argument of whether or not they are abused but if it is still justified.…
A majority of people are okay with the brutal killings of animals for testing purposes.…
Over the years there has been several complaints across the Nation about how unfairly animals are treated in the laboratory. Animal testing and experimentations may have many flaws when this topic is discussed, but there has been multiple enhancements made over the years. The article “Save the Animals: Stop Animal Testing” written by Heather Dunnuck, describes the bad treatment of animals, what they suffer from and gives solutions on how to fix this occurring problem. A second article by Andreas Luch, Daniel Butzke and Barbara Grune “Alternatives to Animal Testing: Current Status and Future Perspectives”, explains the process over the years of animal testing in different fields and the steps they’re taking to…
Imagine that your beloved pet or friends pet is being horribly burned and treated with much cruelty. This is a not a good picture to have in your mind, but yet it is happening around the world everyday. In fact, more than 100 million animals are killed every year around the world for animal testing. This horrific number needs to be reduced. While there are not yet any adequate replacements for animal testing, it is unreliable, unfair and expensive.…
If you are a pet owner, like many you don’t wish for any harm to come to them or any other animal for that matter. However in this world there are organizations that mistreat animals and experiment on common house hold pets such as dogs or cats. The two reason for animal testing are “First, to find out more about the animals themselves, and, secondly to test substances and procedures to see if they are harmful (with a view to find out if they are harmful to human beings)” (Dixon). Through these experiments they have made great medical breakthroughs, but at what cost? One hundred million of animals are killed every year to find treatments for human diseases. Animal are put through a great amount of pain and suffer to ultimately reduce the suffering of humans, But is it worth the suffering of another living being? There are better more effective ways to limit the suffering of humans and not harm another living creature. Biomedical research needs to pull away from…
Animals everywhere across the U.S suffer for their lives due to the so called “benefits” of animal testing. There are many different alternatives to the procedures used in animal experimentation that even have a better result than the results received from animal testing. Not only are pointless tests done on animals but painful and disturbing tests are done on animals without of the knowledge of the procedure will have any effect on the research. Not only are animals endangered and haunted by disturbing memories that will never be forgotten, but they are also injured and killed due to the horrific practice known as animal testing. Animal testing is not only cruel but unnecessary and must to be put to a…