If we compare life from last century to our current one anyone can see that the death rate has gone down because of the medical advancements that were made possible by animal testing. There have been a lot of important advancements in medical research through animal testing. Insulin vaccines, vitamin, the immune system, and many of the HIV and cancer treatments we use today were discovered through animal testing. In 1628, William Harvey published his famous work “De Motu Cordis”. In it he writes about his discovery of blood pressure by pumping blood through the heart of over 30 different animal species including man. His discovery helped lead to treatments for high blood pressure and a better understanding of the physiology of man and animal. However, that was in the past. There are new alternatives to animal testing that yield better results and have less animal
If we compare life from last century to our current one anyone can see that the death rate has gone down because of the medical advancements that were made possible by animal testing. There have been a lot of important advancements in medical research through animal testing. Insulin vaccines, vitamin, the immune system, and many of the HIV and cancer treatments we use today were discovered through animal testing. In 1628, William Harvey published his famous work “De Motu Cordis”. In it he writes about his discovery of blood pressure by pumping blood through the heart of over 30 different animal species including man. His discovery helped lead to treatments for high blood pressure and a better understanding of the physiology of man and animal. However, that was in the past. There are new alternatives to animal testing that yield better results and have less animal