Being called as ‘Smarty Pants’ always gives us a kick, doesn’t it? We live in a world where being one of the best is all that matters. With mounting pressure from family, peer, management and all others alike, the need to perform extraordinarily well is what we all are looking at. To our relief science has come up with a most effective solution to this pressing issue.
Racetams are a type of nootropic cognitive enhancing drug. Racetams are well known for improving learning, memory, focus, mood and energy levels and also brings a positive effect on all the basic components of brain health. Most of these Racetams work by stimulating receptors for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. There are …show more content…
Both of them coming from the racetam family are similar in so many ways. Both of them works towards better brain health and improved learning and concentration levels. With these good things also comes few side effects caused by these racetams. Generally nootropic side effects are perceived to be bearable consequences for a human.
A detailed study of these two nootropics can lead us to the light of knowledge about these popular ‘smart drugs’ in the …show more content…
Piracetam will give you improved concentration and learning capabilities. The Piracetam has its degree of effect a little different to every individual. Few have experienced a well-functioning memory and long lasting concentration even when they are multi-tasking.
Piracetam has also shown repulsion to alcohol in some individuals. With regular dosage Piracetam offers an agile, super concentrated and clear mind that helps you perform tasks with so much ease and confidence. They can help individuals in every field like education, sports, music and what not! A regular user of Piracetam stated that, “It is VERY strongly recommended for musicians as the effects open up a channel of creative effectiveness that is useful in both the listening and performance aspects of constructive thought.”
With all these benefits giving you the joys, there are few discomforts and side effects that is caused by Piracetam. There are certain side effects associated with the long term usage of piracetam. These side effects include weight increase, hyperkinesia, sleepiness, shakiness, headaches, and nervousness. It is, however, important to remember that piracetam is generally treated as one of the safest smart drugs with no severe side