Rodrigues discusses in some detail how Fayol's principles of management individually are/are not used in modern management. He doesn't necessarily hold a contention or argument as he is ultimately comparing and contrasting the world of management in US organisations from early 1900's to now. However the result of each of his discussions fall in the same favour each time, which may potentially be viewed as a bias and further as a limitation of this journal. A further limitation of this article is that it blurs the line between positive and normative statements, as the statements Rodrigues makes is evidence-based though cannot be tested entirely. This article's involves describing what the principle is initially, then explaining how it is/isn't embraced in modern management before briefly summarising and comparing the current management world to the time when Fayol established these principles in early 1900's; prior to the discussion at the end which summarises the article entirely.
Through individually discussing each 14 principles Fayol established, Rodrigues illustrates that in contemporary management virtually all principles are basically used minimally or the complete opposite of the established principle is practised in US management today. Each principle's change is briefly displayed in a summary table near the beginning.
Many factual examples are used to explain his points, he also uses a number of references to other's research to illustrate his argument better, referring to the works of creditable persons including Mintzberg and Quinn. In future, research on this issue may involve collecting data on the future world of management and comparing that to the original principles Fayol established. When comparing this journal to the articles of others, it is difficult to