Action. In G. Sen, A. Germain and L. C. Chen (eds.), Population Policies
Reconsidered: Health, Empowerment and Rights, pp. 127-38. Boston: Harvard
University Press Since the mid-1980s, the term empowerment has become popular in the development field, especially with reference to women. However, there is confusion as to what the term means among development actors. This paper analyses the concept of women’s empowerment and outlines empowerment strategies based on insights gained through a study of grassroots programmes in South Asia. The concept of women’s empowerment is the outcome of important critiques generated by the women’s movement, particularly by ’third world’ feminists. They clearly state that women’s empowerment requires the challenging of patriarchal power relations that result in women having less control over material assets and intellectual resources. Women participate in their own oppression so they must first become aware of the ideology that legitimises male domination. The empowerment process starts from within but access to new ideas and information will come from external agents. With new consciousness and the strength of solidarity, women can assert their right to control resources and to participate equally in decision making. Ultimately, women’s empowerment must become a force that is an organised mass movement which challenges and transforms existing power relations in society.
Kabeer, N. (1999) Resources, Agency, Achievements: Reflections on the
Measurement of Women's Empowerment. Development and Change, Volume
30, Number 3, July 1999. Blackwell Publishing This paper sets out from the understanding that empowerment is a process by which those who have been denied power gain power, in particular the ability to make