Bragdon, T., & Allumbaugh, J. (2011, July 19). Healthcare reform in maine: reversing "obamacare lite". Retrieved from
This is a research article mentioning the problems with a government run health insurance program, specifically in the state of Maine. Information is provided pertaining to the effects (premiums actually being higher, less people becoming insured, etc.) of a government run program and new ideas implemented by other states that call for less governmental involvement are discussed including: guaranteed access to reinsurance funding for high risk individuals, purchase of insurance across state lines, new options for joining businesses, and new options for long-term unemployed. This article provides both sides of the issue with figures and numbers backed up by reputable sources, but it fails to mention any positives relating to a government run program. Weakness to be assessed are pertaining to problems with a government run health care system and the effects of allowing individuals to purchase insurance across state lines.
Galewitz, P. (2009, November 11). The debate over selling insurance across state lines. National Public Radio (NPR). Retrieved November 3, 2013 from
This radio broadcast provides necessary answers to frequently asked questions pertaining to interstate commerce of health insurance and the possible effects of implementing such a system. The article does not provide a strong argument for the policy, but instead offers basic information, possible effects, and offers criticism towards such a measure. Weaknesses to be assessed from this source are of basic information as well as possible drawbacks of the health insurance policy.
Kanwit, S. (2009). The purchase of insurance across state