Annotated Bibliography: Incentive Pay
Aligning incentive pay programs with business goals. (2012). IOMA 's Report on Salary Surveys, 19(2), 9-10. Retrieved from
In this article compensation experts Jay Schuster and Pat Zingheim discuss how businesses can tie incentive pay, specifically variable pay, to business objectives. The experts provide four key questions that companies must ask and answer before implementing an incentive pay program. The article also advises companies on how to specifically link goals to incentive pay and explains reasons why organizations should adopt incentive pay programs.
Assignment incentive pay. (2011).
Army Times, 22. Retrieved from
In this article, military officials outline an incentive plan that is designed to encourage active duty members to serve longer tours in South Korea. The soldiers have to serve a 24 or 36 month tour instead of a 12 month tour. The article lists the actual pay-outs based upon years of service in the military. The incentive creates a more normalized tour base in South Korea.
Drop in incentive pay at Caterpillar shows risk to workers. (2013) Chicago tribune
Retrieved from
This article talks about how Caterpillar employee’s short term incentive program keeps plummeting while the company continues to have record sales. It also covers how the effect is felt more at the lower levels than upper levels of the organization. While many employees invest into the short term plan and do not invest into the medium or long term. Only high level management seems to invest into those plans which keep their payouts positive. It explains the effects of pay at your own risk plans in a company that is failing to use it.
Gray, K. (2009). How not to do incentive pay. Retrieved from
This interesting article illustrates the failure of technology company Hewlett-Packard’s attempt to install an incentive pay program in their company. The article cautions readers about what can happen to morale and productivity in an organization that implements an incentive pay program that focuses solely on monetary incentives.
Hull, P. (2013). Motivation Mystery: How to Keep Employees Productive Retrieved from This article looks at ways to motivate employees. The author mentions bonuses, perks, amenities, education and positive recognition. He also mentions that there are other ways of motivating employees through building a culture.
Incentive pay. (1999, Jan 07). The Globe and Mail Retrieved from
In this article, hourly wage employees from production jobs are being offered incentive pay. The article indicates that there are key people that need to be aware of the change: customers, management, and unions. Performance standards should be used with key factors to success. The article suggests that companies use improved performance as a goal when using incentive programs.
Rehman, R., & Ali, M. A. (2013). Is pay for performance the best incentive for employees? Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 4(6), 512-514. Retrieved from
This article discussed the research that was conducted to determine the problems with incentive pay and the pros and cons of utilizing merit pay as an incentive to boost work performance and increase productivity. It also looks into many organizations’ appraisal systems to verify if they were fair across the board.