Demetria Hubbard Professor Richard.brown
HSA 320
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Training Proposal
Human Resource planning is the process of analyzing the current workforce, forecasting future needs and closing the gap between the two. The organization must evaluate the internal and external factors affecting its human resource requirements. Then it has to decide what steps necessary to meet its longterm business goals. These actions may include recruiting, training or outsourcing. A human resource or workforce plan allows managers to anticipate change and provides strategies to address workforce issues. The process and steps involved in human resource planning is to first have a proper system …show more content…
In some circumstances, negotiations for a compensation and benefits package ensue after the employer extends an offer. In many cases, employers conduct background investigations and reference checks to ensure they 're making a wise hiring decision. In the event the first candidate doesn 't successfully pass the background check or if the reference check reveals information that suggests hiring managers should take a look at other candidates, notes from interviews with other candidates come in handy. When it comes to interviewing, selecting and hiring employees, the HR department may call applicants directly to schedule interviews, or they may coordinate with the responsible employment specialist to schedule interviews. When setting up the interviews, allot the same amount of time for each applicant.
Schedule interviews at least 15 minutes apart to allow time to assess each applicant after his or her interview and to permit applicants to come and go without overlap. Contact the interviewees to advise of the time, date, and place for the interview, the expected length of the …show more content…
Few jobs are simple enough to be performed optimally by someone who has only undergone an employee training program and read an employee training manual. Experience enables employees to make complex decisions integrating past work history,
Human Resource Management Training Proposal and to troubleshoot and improvise. Communicate to new employees that you expect them to continue learning even after their official training period is complete, and provide the resources for them to do so such as ongoing support” (Mathis, 2007). A new employee should have the tools he needs to fit into the company culture. This aspect of job training is essential to an employee 's ability to do his job and serve customers in ways that are consistent with company
values. For example, a tech support company whose mission is to make technophobe customers comfortable with their computers should schedule a manager to observe new employees working, and make sure they are sufficiently relaxed and compassionate with customers. One of the most advantageous strategies to motivating employees is the promise of financial gain for a job well done. Many employees have predetermined salaries and wages,