11335181 “Annotated Bibliography”
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Robinson, J. (2014). PAY ATTENTION!. Entrepreneur, 42(9), 60-65.
The online article named PAY ATTENTION is written by a man named Joe Robinson. Joe Robinson is one of most quoted experts when it comes to work effectiveness. He has appeared on different television shows, newspapers and radio stations. Some of the examples are The Today Show, CNN, NBC Nightly News, National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, Wall Street Journal, Time, Fortune, and the Los Angeles Times. The article discuses on what are the roots of the distraction of the employees …show more content…
and what happens to the attention span and the employees as they are distracted with e-mails, texts, apps, phone calls, and social media notification plus their little time they have to work so they become stressed. This article explains and persuades you on how this disturbance is really a huge problem for the companies and what the companies are trying to do to solve these problems. This article also gives different solutions individually to answer the interruption that they are having. Giving the information on how this interruption can be managed will really catch the interest the readers who wants to know what is the cause and the solution of this problem. This article is helpful because it will be a basis of how the humans can cope up from the interruption and it will make our research paper more fruitful since we can give advices on how to handle the problems. This article may not be helpful because the article leans more on those who are in the offices and in the business world.
Mary, H. (2014). Striking a balance: Digital tools and distraction in school. States News Service,Retrieved from http://www.edutopia.org/blog/digital-tools-distraction- in-school-mary-beth-hertz
Mary Beth Hertz is a technology teacher and a certified in Technology Integration Specialist.
She supports her colleagues with integrating technology in their classrooms. Mary Hertz teaches high school in Philadelphia, where students have a school issued device to she saw that her students are getting a hard time to focus in making their homework. She always hears that her students complain that her assignments are taking too long to be finished, which she believed that distraction made a huge role in their resentment. Although some teachers implement “No-gadget policy”, this should not be countered because the fact is devices need in the school cannot be remove since it defeats the purpose of having a device and it is counter and it is considered illogical. According to Mary, Schools who implemented E-Learning should teach their students how to manage their attention since Katrina Schwartz refers to the study showing that someone who mastered the ability focus has been connected to their bright future. I think that this journal article gives the reason why e-Learning should not be implemented but the author stated that this is not hindrance, Instead, this a challenge that school should overcome by helping students in the process of integrating learning and technology. This article is helpful because it gives you the main problem of the situation. It is not about how the teachers teach, but it is more on the attitude and the habits of the students that affects their
studies. Lam, W. S. E. (2012). What immigrant students can teach us about new media literacy: Understanding how immigrant students use digital media outside of school could help develop digitally connected forms of pedagogy in schools. Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., 94(4), 62. file:///C:/Users/Moran/SkyDrive/HEX3/ContentServer.pdf According to the studies included in the article 90% of the students in virtual faculties said that
Radovic-Markovic, M. (2014). Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning in comparison to traditional forms of learning. Annals of the University of Petrosani Economics, 10(2), 289-298. file:///C:/Users/Moran/SkyDrive/HEX3/Advantage_Disadvantage_Ebooks.pdf Bell, B. S. & Federman, J. E. (2013). E-learning in postsecondary education. Princeton University-Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International,23(1), 165.
Sawchuk, M. (2013, January). Jump on the e-learning bandwagon?. Industrial Safety & Hygiene News,47(1), 26-27.