Global Management Review, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 27-32
This article shares observations on the importance of Trust in making business work well. It affirms that the corporate culture must be built on a set of eight values called OCTAPACE (Openness, Confrontation, Trust, Authenticity, Proactive, Autonomy, Collaboration and Experimenting) and that trust-based working relationships decide the success of a corporate. The authors also argue that human resource is the most important factor, which decides culture and values of an organization. The article as a whole is not a specific research but it showed essential values of organizational culture, where trust is dominant. It affirms by giving three key steps in building trust including (1) conduct a trust audit to measure trust to identify proper action; (2) build an environment of trust, where leaders set themselves as example; and (3) nurture communities of trust to encourage small teams/groups practice value of trust to ensure sustainability. However, there should be more relevant pratical examples and theories on ethics, values… in the research to illustrate author’s viewpoints.
Marshall, Anke and Maribeth (2007). The power of Ethical Work Climates.
Organizational Dynamics, Vol.36, No.2, pp. 171-186
The article highlights the importance of building ethical working environment in corporates to maintain ethical organizations. This involves four basic psychological components: moral sensitivities, moral judgment, moral motivation, and moral character. Based on the research, the authors suggest a moral training programme should be set-up regularly in order to (1) raise moral sensitivity of employees, (2) educate employees in forming moral judgments, (3) strengthen moral motivation, and (4) help employees to develop their moral character. The authors also showed the connection between external ethic requirements (e.g US Sarbanes-Oxley Act) and