Cook, Nancy. “Immigrants ‘Bring Labor to Our Economy So jobs Can Get Done’.” National
Journal (2013). Academic OneFile. Web. 27 Oct. 2013.
This is an interview with Paul Ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman, which makes an economic argument regarding immigration. Cook provides important questions that show a positive political view on the issue of immigration. This source is slightly biased, hence, the fact that Paul mentions the Republican Party, which is the side that isn’t lenient about immigration. Ryan explains that immigrant workers can help the economy grow, by bringing their talent and hard work to get the jobs done. Ryan also asserts that the House of Republicans should be fair with those legal …show more content…
It provides facts about the benefits that immigration has brought to the country. This source intends to change the negative views on immigration by showing evidence of its positive impact on the nation. Garcia supports the immigration reform and is against immigration policies that are preventing immigrants from being part of the country as citizens. Garcia provides with only facts on the immigration reform, which shows all the benefits that immigrants contribute to the U.S economy and the nation in overall. This source is very valuable since it only provides statistics, which make it a credible and useful source as support and evidence towards the argument that immigration is beneficial to the country. Therefore, this source is useful for the research project as factual evidence to support the argument of the …show more content…
The article intends to attract other immigrants to take a stand on the issue and fight for it. Harding asserts that newcomers help the American economy by creating jobs and filling specialized positions. Harding also uses facts about money and skills that immigrants contribute to the economy, in order to show how immigration only benefits the economy instead of affecting the wages and working conditions of American workers. The article is a valuable source that provides factual evidence on how immigrants have helped America grow economically and how they have helped create a few of the most important companies in the nation. This source is useful in the sense that it can alter negative views that Americans have about immigration. Moreover, this article works as evidence that supports the argument in the research