Annotated Bibliography Brittany Odom Senior Composition Mrs. Herrick March, 20, 2013
Annotated Bibliography 2
Chassin, M. (2001, April). Executive summary. Retrieved from
This article focuses on the quality and cost of healthcare. It explains the spending and budget of America and makes it clear why exactly healthcare’s quality isn’t at its best.
This is definitely a useful source for my research project. This source is different from my other sources because it simply lays out the information. This article was not persuasive or bias in any way. The information in this article is reliable because its strictly facts.
This source fits into my research. I didn’t know a lot of things I read about in my article which alone lets me know how helpful it will be in my paper.
Annotated Bibliography 3
Collins, S. (2006, April 26). Gaps in health insurance: An all-American problem. Retrieved from
This source focuses on the fact that low income family’s uninsured rates are decreasing while middle- income’s in increasing. The point of this article is to show how many gaps are in healthcare insurance.
This is a very helpful source because it actually helped me determine which side I was on. This article isn’t bias it just focuses on the problem with healthcare. The information is reliable because it uses facts, dates and no opinions. This
Bibliography: 7 Segal, D. (2013, March 28). Health. Health Insurance and Managed Care. Retrieved from This source focuses on our current president’s (Barrack Obama) Plan to fix the health care issues. It specifies his goal and approaches. There really isn’t an argument in this article its more informative. This article is not bias. It simply explains and recites what Obama has promised to do. This is a useful source because it’s the most up to date source I have. I feel a research should have old and new information. I believe that this information is reliable. This source is helpful to me because not only does it help me understand healthcare as a whole but it specifies what’s going on in the world today. It helped shape my argument by giving me up to date facts.