
Anselm And St. Aquinas Proof The Existence Of God

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Anselm And St. Aquinas Proof The Existence Of God
One of the most complex and popular topics in both Metaphysics and Theology in our world is whether or not God truly exist. There are many theories that suggest God’s existence is real and not real, but this paper will directly focus on the arguments of St. Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas who both believe that God does exists. They both have proof the existence of God, but their demonstrations are far different. In this paper, I will actively seek to present, analyze and compare and contrast both methods of St. Anselm and St. Aquinas in an effective way.

St. Anselm begins his proof with his definition of God. He defines God as “a being that which nothing greater can be conceived”. When analyzed word-for-word, it can be broken down as than in
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Thomas Aquinas shared the same belief that Anselm did, that God does truly exist. But, Aquinas went about his argument in a more detailed manner. Aquinas developed what he called the Cosmological argument, or better known as, “The Five Ways of proving God exists”. Aquinas’s first way argued about Motion. Aquinas pointed out that only an actual motion can convert a potential motion into an actual motion. For example, a toy car cannot roll across a desk without an external force that is in motion, putting the toy car in motion. Nothing can move itself, therefore each thing in motion is moved by something else. Therefore, it is necessary to think of the first mover, put in motion by no other, and in our understanding the only person capable of such is God. Aquinas’s second way argued about Efficient Cause. Efficient cause is an agent that brings a thing into being or initiates a change. Aquinas argued that nothing exists prior to itself, which prove that therefore nothing is the efficient cause of itself. It is necessary to possibility and necessity. Aquinas argued that we find in nature that there are things that are possible to be and not to be, these are noted as contingent beings. For every contingent being, there is a time where it is not in existence, which obviously makes it impossible to always exist. This proves that there could have been a time where nothing existed and if nothing existed there would not have been anything to bring the current existing contingent beings in existence. Therefore, it is impossible for every being to be a contingent being. Aquinas believes that some being must have a necessary existence and does not receive its existence from another being, but rather causes existence. Aquinas’ Fourth Way is the most complex to understand for most people. It argues that there is a gradation to be found in things: some are better or worse than others. Predications of degree require reference to the “uttermost” case (e.g., a thing is said to

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