The Ansoff matrix presents the product and market choices available to an organization. Here in markets may be defined as customers, and products as items sold to customers (Lynch, 2003). The Ansoff matrix is also referred to as the market/product matrix in some texts. Some texts refer to the market options matrix, which involves examining the options available to the organization from a broader perspective. The market options matrix is different from Ansoff matrix in the sense that it not only presents the options of launching new products and moving into new markets, but also involves exploration of possibilities of withdrawing from certain markets and moving into unrelated markets (Lynch, 2003). Ansoff matrix is a useful framework for looking at possible strategies to reduce the gap between where the company may be without a change in strategy and where the company aspires to be (Proctor, 1997).
Proctor, T. (1997), Establishing a strategic direction: a review, Management Decision, Vol.35, No. 2.
1、市场渗透(Market Penetration)——以现有的产品面对现有的顾客,以其目前的产品市场组合为发展焦点,力求增大产品的市场占有率。采取市场渗透的策略,藉由促销或是提升服务品质等等方式来说服消费者改用不同品牌的产品,或是说服消费者改变使用习惯、增加购买量。
2、市场开发(Market Development)——提供现有产品开拓新市场,企业必须在不同的市场上找到具有相同产品需求的使用者顾客,其中往往产品定位和销售方法会有所调整,但产品本身的核心技术则不必改变。
3、产品延伸(Product Development)——推出新产品给现有顾客,采取产品延伸的策略,利用现有的顾客关系来借力使力。通常是以扩大现有产品的深度和广度,推出新一代或是相关的产品给现有的顾客,提高该厂商在消费者荷包中的占有率。
5 、市场巩固(Consolidation)—— 以现有的市场和产品为基础,以巩固市场份额为目的,采用产品差异化战略来加强客户忠诚度。同时,当市场份额总体有所下降时,缩小规模和缩减部门成为不可避免的应对措施。通常,Consolidation在安索夫矩阵中与Market Penetration占据同一格。
Selling new products to your existing market is only one growth option.
Ansoff’s mareix provides four different growth strategies:
Market penetration-the firm seeks to achieve growth with existing products in their current market segments, aiming to increase its market share.