CH 1
1. Why is management important to society?
For a society to survive and prosper there must be maintained efficient and effective management of the production of goods and services.
2. Why is management important to individuals?
The management function is a source of employment to 18% of the growing work force. It offers good salaries, status, and opportunities for personal growth.
3. What is the role of the manager?
The role of the manager is to guide and combine the organization’s human and physical resources through specific tasks, and to encourage behavior toward attainment of organizational goals.
4. Define management.
Management is defined as a process of working with and through people and other organizational resources.
5. How are the four functions of management related?
Each management function is essential to ongoing processes, and all functions are interrelated so that the performance of one is dependent on the performance of all others.
6. Should excellence characteristics impact management functions?
According to Peters’ and Waterman’s In Search of Excellence, excellent companies exhibit eight distinctive characteristics. Parts of each of those attributes can be related to the management functions. a. Planning: Peters’ and Waterman’s related attributes consist of a bias for action, which limits the time spent planning; close to customers which focuses the planning for customer needs; and stick to the knitting, which assures that planning will be directed toward the right goals.
b. Organizing: Peters’ and Waterman’s related attributes consist of simple form, lean staff for an uncomplicated organization; simultaneous loose-tight properties, which uses a decentralized organization guided by values more than policies; autonomy and entrepreneurship, which permits the structure to be more flexible.
c. Influencing: Peters’ and Waterman’s related attributes